It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!

Chapter 818: STORY TELLING

Chapter 818: STORY TELLING

Mika was playing on the swing at her new school after they saw the apartment Misha gave her.         

Mika looked happy, even now she looked very healthy, much healthier than Kia could ever have imagined.     

"Is uncle also going to move in with us?" asked Mika while swinging on the swing, while Kia stood beside her.     

Luckily the swing was under a big tree and therefore, they could avoid the scorching heat of the sun.     

"Do you want uncle to move in with us too?" asked Kia after thinking about it for a while.     

"Yes, Mika wants uncle to live with us." Mika then stopped swinging and looked at Kia with a \'serious\' look in her eyes. "But lately uncle is very busy and doesn\'t have time to read Mika a story."     

It was true that lately Misha had been very busy.     

Unless Mika suddenly woke up too early and went into Misha\'s room, they wouldn\'t meet each other. Misha came home too late and left too early for the past few days.     

But, almost every night, Kia would wake up to find Misha coming into the room to kiss them both good night before he left the room, not realizing that Kia would be awake every single time.     

Misha did that to make sure they both slept well and soundly.     

"But, doesn\'t mama read stories to Mika every night?" asked Kia while stroking Mika\'s head before helping her down from the swing and holding her small hand.     

"Mama don\'t know how to read the story properly," Mika said, frowning.     

"Mama don\'t know how to read the story properly?" Kia raised her eyebrows and looked at her little daughter. "How can mama not read the story properly?" she just found out about this.     

"Mama makes the sound of tigers and lions in the same voice as a cat," said Mika. "If uncle reads it, he will sound very fierce and scary, just like a tiger."     

Kia was speechless when she heard this.     

"What\'s special about uncle making tiger sound?" she asked.     

"He voiced it like this." Mika then roared, making her voice sound fierce, but instead she looked like a kitten, which made Kia laugh. "Mommy can\'t laugh." Mika protested.     

"Sorry, sorry," Kia said quickly when she saw Mika frown. "Mama didn\'t mean to laugh at you." Kia nudged Mika\'s cheek, she looked very healthy and rarely got sick nowadays.     

"I want Uncle to read story books to me," said Mika in a low voice.     


"How is today?" Misha called Tim, the person who drove Mika and Kia around to visit the school and apartment today.     

"Miss Mika is very happy to see the apartment and school." Tim then went into more details about the reactions the two of them had, because Misha asked him to observe even the smallest things. "And Miss Mika said that she would prefer it if you read her story books at night."     

At that time, Tim was there, he stood behind Kia and Mika, so he could hear the conversation between the two of them well and also heard how funny it was when Mika imitated Misha\'s voice when he read her a story book.     

"Mika said that?" There was a small smile at the corners of Misha\'s lips and the look in his eyes became gentler than usual. He seemed very relaxed after he heard this story.     

"Yes, but the little miss is a bit complaining because you don\'t come home often and she wants you to read a story book to her."     

"Is it?" Misha muttered while tapping his finger on the table. He looked at the clock on the wall. Mika\'s bedtime was four hours from now…         


"Mika wants to listen to this story," said Mika while picking up a book that told about a girl in a red hood with a wolf. She loved the story and Kia got tired of reading it.     

"Mika, you have a lot of other books, how about we read another story book?" asked Kia, crouching beside her little daughter.     

"I want to read this book." Mika gave the book to Kia and then ran up to her bed. "Mika loves this bed. This bed is big and soft."     

Mika remembered their bed when they were in the small apartment, where she had to sleep quietly because their bed was narrow and a little hard.     

Kia then followed Mika to bed carrying a book she wanted to read.     

"Mama also likes to sleep in bed?" Mika asked innocently.     

"Yes, mom likes it."     

"Mom likes this house?"     


"Mom likes uncle?"     

Kia sat on the bed and was surprised by the question, but before Kia could answer, Mika was chattering again.     

"Mika likes uncle because uncle can imitate tiger sounds well and also likes to buy Mika ice cream! Uncle also bought bunnies for Mika, so Mika likes uncle."     

Kia laughed when she heard that, it felt so easy being a child, because it was the little things like that they would remember and appreciate the most.     

"Mom likes uncle too?"     

Kia bit her lip. It was an innocent question, but it sounded different in Kia\'s ears. "Of course, mama likes uncle. Hasn\'t uncle been good to you and good to both of us all along?"     

"Yes, Mika likes uncle." Mika then turned to her mother. "Mama, can we just stay here? Mika doesn\'t want to part with the bunnies."     

Kai laughed again. Mika had complimented Misha and said she liked him, but the thing she didn\'t want to leave behind were the rabbits?     

"Come here, mama will read you a story." Kia pulled Mika closer and hugged her, preparing to read the story of the girl in the red hood.     

It was just that before she started, someone knocked on the door  before it was pushed open. It was Misha. He looked like he had just come home from work and this was the first time he had come home early in weeks.     

"Is Mika sleeping?" he asked.     

"Uncle!" Mika then jumped from her bed which startled both the adults because they were afraid something would happen to her, and after that she darted toward Misha with both hands raised.     

Seeing Mika\'s happy expression when she saw himself, made all the tiredness disappear as Misha felt very happy.     

It was the happiness that he had never felt before. Even when he won a big and important project, he had never felt the same level of satisfaction like this.     

"Uncle read me a story book!" Mika exclaimed enthusiastically, she then turned to Kia. "Mama! Give the book to uncle."         

Kia could only sigh. "I feel like I\'ve been dumped," Kia trailed off.     

She then gave the book to Misha after he placed Mika on the bed, laying her between them.     

"No way, she loves you way more than me."     

Mika then looked at her mother and immediately hugged her. "Mika prefers mama, but uncle can make scary wolf sounds."     

"I don\'t know what to say about this." Kia shook her head and covered the three of them with a blanket, while Misha started to read a story.     

And what Mika said was indeed true, Misha\'s way of telling stories was much better than herself.     

Even though Misha didn\'t seem very self-expressive, he was very expressive when he read stories to Mika.     

"... and in the end, the red hooded girl can meet her grandmother," said Misha ending the story, he then looked at Mika who was still awake.     

The strange thing was this little girl would be even more wide awake, when you read her stories.     

"Why aren\'t you sleeping?" Misha nudged the tip of her nose with his finger. But, then he saw Kia sleeping soundly next to Mika. "Mommy is sleeping."     

"Yeah, that\'s why we have to talk slowly," Mika said in a whisper, because her mother was sleeping very peacefully right beside her and this made Misha smile.     

"Okay," Misha spoke in a whisper. "Now it\'s time for you to sleep."     

"Ok." Mika held Misha\'s hand after grabbing Kia\'s hand tightly before she closed her eyes which forced Misha to stay in his place. "Uncle will sleep here, right?" Mika asked, opening her eyes again.     

"No, I can\'t sleep here."     

"No, uncle, just sleep here, so tomorrow morning we can cuddle, Mika likes cuddling." Mika yawned.     

"Uncle will be here until you fall asleep, okay?" Misha then stroked Mika\'s head which helped her to sleep faster.     

Misha also turned off the lights and made the atmosphere in the room dim and calm.     

But, when things got too quiet, Misha also felt sleepy and planned to just sleep for a little while.     

Who would have thought that he would sleep there until morning?     

As the sun shone through the open window, Kia opened her eyes and rubbed her face.     

She fell asleep while listening to Misha read the story book. It was the first time for someone to read a story book to her because her mother and father had never done such a thing for her.     

She looked around and found a soundly sleeping Mika as well as Misha, who snuggled up close to their little princess.     

The two of them faced each other and snuggled in the same position and for some reason Kia found it very funny to see the sleeping positions of the two of them and grabbed her cell phone to capture the moment.     

Kia chuckled at the two of them, even their facial expressions were the same. Their lips parted slightly as they snored softly.     

Kia then put her cellphone on the table and kissed Mika\'s forehead, but she hesitated when she was going to kiss Misha\'s forehead, so she just stroked his cheek and left the room because she wanted to prepare breakfast for the both of them.         


*Read my new book: The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy\'s Daughter*     

Alpha Cane\'s revenge for his and his people\'s slavery.     

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