It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!



Kia\'s intention to leave the Tordoffs\' house was so that she wouldn\'t have to see Misha again, but who would have thought that when she just opened her eyes from sleep, she would find the person she was avoiding the most in her room.         

"What is this nightmare?" Kia grumbled in annoyance when the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was Misha, who was staring at her.     

She tried to close her eyes again, hoping this was just a dream and Misha would disappear as soon as she reopened her eyes.     

Unfortunately, this hope was not fulfilled.     

"This is not a dream. It\'s really me." Misha frowned when he heard Kia\'s first comment.     

"No way," Kia hissed disapprovingly. She opened his eyes again but Misha was still there. "What is this?"     

Misha folded his arms across his chest when he heard the offending comment. "You don\'t hate me that much, do you, that you are not happy to see me here?"     

Kia didn\'t answer that, which meant that she hated it so much that she wasn\'t happy to have Misha in her room.     

On the other hand, when Misha realized that, he couldn\'t help but sigh heavily and shake his head.     

"I don\'t know how else I should deal with you," Misha said, more to himself. He didn\'t understand why Kia would prefer to live in this small and stuffy apartment over his house.     

This room was even smaller than his bathroom, how could she live in a place like this with their child?     

"Don\'t be loud, Mika is sleeping," Kia grumbled. She glared at Misha fiercely and made the man close his mouth, swallowing all the complaints he wanted to spout. He didn\'t want to wake Mika up after all.     

The two of them could only look at each other, but it was uncomfortable for Kia, she also couldn\'t sleep anymore. Things were getting a little awkward now, but that seemed to only apply to Kia, because Misha looked fine.     

The man rolled the sleeves of his white shirt up to his elbows and sat cross-legged in this very small room. He seemed to have to bend his long legs in a strange position, in order to adjust.     

But this actually made Kia feel sorry for him. Mr. Tordoff from such a respected family had to huddle in this cramped apartment.     

With a heavy sigh, Kia finally decided to get out of bed as she carefully climbed down the bed.     

"Follow me," Kia said to Misha after she wrapped Mika well and kissed her adorable daughter\'s forehead.     

Mika was fast asleep in a place she was familiar with.     

Although Tordoff\'s residence was much more beautiful than this cramped apartment room, in fact, Mika was much more comfortable here.     

Misha then followed Kia out of the room. He threw one last yet slightly worried look at Mika who was sleeping and then closed the door.     

"What are you doing here?" Kia asked, walking to the kitchen and making hot tea for them both. She no longer asked if Misha wanted to drink it or not. "Didn\'t I tell you not to see me again?"     

"I never agreed to that," Misha replied in a matter of fact tone. Kia did forbid him, but he had already said that he didn\'t agree with her.     

"What do you want then?" Kia asked with a tired face. She was tired of dealing with Misha time and again like this. She wanted to end this immediately and live her life with Mika peacefully. "So that you can get out of our lives?"     

Misha folded his arms across his chest and leaned back against the back of the chair. He looked at Kia with his piercing eyes, as if he was considering a business offer. His face looked very serious.     

"Should it be like that?" Misha asked. "Can\'t you come back to me?"     

Kia snorted when she heard this. Back then, four years ago, there were thousands of words she wanted to say, half of which were cusses and the other half being pleas, but now, when she was faced with this man now, she didn\'t know what to say anymore.         

The entire sentences she had composed four years ago had simply disappeared. Now she didn\'t want to have any relationship with this man anymore.     

"Back to you?" Kia scoffed. "What makes you think that I will come back to you?"     

Misha was silent for a moment and then answered according to his character. "Stability."     

Kia didn\'t know whether to cry or laugh. Yes, that was right, the stability factor was tempting, especially when you were living the way Kia was living now.     

By welcoming Misha\'s helping hand, she could get what she wanted. Mika\'s future would become much brighter if Misha intervened in her expenses of both living and education.     

It was just that Kia couldn\'t forget what happened four years ago. How could she be with this man when just looking at his face made her want to slap him hard?     

"If you want to slap me for the stupidity I committed four years ago, just do it," Misha said as if he could read what was going through Kia\'s mind when he saw her shaking hands. "Do whatever you want to vent your anger, but after that let\'s think rationally about this matter."     

And unexpectedly, Kia actually did it, she slapped Misha so hard that the loud sound of the slap echoed in this small kitchen space and almost made Misha fall off the chair, because he didn\'t see it coming.     

For a moment, Kia didn\'t realize what she had done, but then when she saw Misha wiping the blood from his lips, she seemed to snap out of her daydream.     

She had really slapped Misha.     

Kia swallowed hard, she was stunned, because basically, she wasn\'t someone who liked violence and what she did was out of character of her.     

And now, she didn\'t know what to do. She wanted to help wipe the blood from Misha\'s lips, but the man had grabbed a tissue to do so.     

His face grimaced slightly as he did so. Did Kia do it too much? But, wasn\'t that the point?     

Misha then raised his head and looked at Kia and this made her take a step back but he held her hand to keep her from moving away.     

What would he do? Hit her back? The thought had crossed Kia\'s mind. If Misha hit her back, it was certain that she would not survive this.     

But, it turned out that Misha just clasped her hands and looked at her palms.     

"When you do that, you should clench your fists," said Misha, while rubbing Kia\'s palm which was red from the one slap she delivered to him earlier.     

"Huh?" Kia still didn\'t understand what he was talking about.     

Misha then repeated the words again, folding Kia\'s fingers inward, making a fist. "Do it like this."     

Kia was stunned, it took a few seconds longer for her to realize what Misha really meant.     

"That\'s called punching, not slapping," Kia replied in a low voice, like a mumble and Misha chuckled.     

Kia didn\'t understand why he was still laughing like that, but then she pulled her hand back and walked over to the fridge to get a pack of frozen peas and give it to Misha.     

"Use this to compress your cheeks," she said, handing the packet of peas to him.     

Misha took it from Kia\'s hand and put it to his cheek which was starting to swell. "Are you much better now? Can we talk?"     

"I should have hit you harder so you can\'t talk," Kia said harshly, but then she sat down across from Misha. Her arms were folded in front of her chest, showing a defensive attitude.         

"If you want to do it again, I don\'t mind," Misha said calmly. He seemed much more relaxed, even though he had just been hit by Kia.     

"Do you always act like this to the person who hit you?" asked Kia curiously.     

"Of course not, I won\'t even let anyone hit me," Misha replied earnestly. He then put away the package of frozen peas and looked deeply at Kia. "Now have you forgiven me a little?"     

Kia looked at Misha with probing eyes, before she finally answered. "Five percent."     

Misha raised his eyebrows when he heard that. "How do I make up for the rest of the ninety-five percent?"     

"Perhaps your lifetime will not be able to make up for it."     

"Then I\'ll keep trying forever."     

Kia frowned at Misha\'s stubbornness. "Didn\'t it ever occur to you how I felt when I saw you that night?" she asked.     

Misha took a deep breath, his face becoming more serious. "Of course," he admitted.     

Although he didn\'t want to admit it, for the past four years, he had always been thinking of Kia, whether he realized it or not. With Daniel being at the company and occasionally finding out about her family, he felt it was something he wouldn\'t normally do.     

"And you expect me to believe that?" Kia asked in a skeptical tone. It was really hard to believe that.     

"In this case, there is no concrete evidence to support my words," Misha stated the fact. "I wonder why you didn\'t tell me directly when you found out that you got pregnant with Mika."     

Hearing this, the anger in Kia\'s eyes seemed to flare up again. "I tried telling you. I called you the night I ran away from home."     


*Read my new book: KISSED BY THE DARK ALPHA*     

Alpha Micah Donovan\'s second chance mate.     

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