It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!

Chapter 729: ONE NIGHT

Chapter 729: ONE NIGHT

Misha looked at the woman who was standing in the doorway, staring at him with eyes full of disbelief. She was frozen there, not moving at all, but her piercing eyes were glued to him, while he was kissing another woman in the bed they slept in last night.         

Misha thought the woman would start crying, because that was usually what happened. They would cry and start screaming angrily at him.     

Sometimes the women would rush over and hit him or at least attack his new woman.     

It was just that, after waiting for some time, which Misha felt was a long time, the woman still stayed frozen, not at all moving. Standing in the doorway with an unreadable face, while the woman in his arms didn\'t see her because she had her back to her.     

"Are you going to just stand there and watch?" Misha asked in a voice that sounded very calm. He was used to dealing with complicated situations and situations as such didn\'t bother him at all.     

This may sound strange, but this was one of Misha\'s ways to calm his mind, release his stress and tension due to the sheer work and also the pressure he put on himself, trying to prove that he deserved to be where he was now, not just because his father was a Tordoff.     

"If you want to watch, go ahead," Misha said again and tried to return his focus to the woman who was half naked in front of him.     

He didn\'t know what this woman\'s name was, but what was certain was that this woman was the daughter of one of the businessmen in this L city and she voluntarily surrendered herself to Misha.     

Oh, Misha understood very well the hints given by women like herself, therefore, without thinking, he accepted this woman\'s invitation.     

"Who\'s she?" asked the red-haired woman, looking surprised when Misha greeted someone and immediately grabbed a blanket to cover herself. "Who\'s she? Why is she here?" asked the woman looking confused.     

But, Misha diverted her attention back, he pinched her chin and made her face turn toward himself.     

"Don\'t mind her," Misha said softly, then continued kissing her, while he waited for when she would lose her temper and start throwing tantrums like the previous women.     

"But…" The woman in his arms didn\'t have time to protest when Misha silenced her with a kiss, only her eyes were still watching her.     

Kiandra Lyrant.     

He was in a relationship with the woman for one week and unlike usual, this woman was neither a business-woman nor a daughter of a famous businessman.     

She was just a translator that his company hired for a meeting with foreigners and she happened to be the only translator of that foreign language available.     

She was not a permanent employee, just a young intern who was about to finish her college.     

The relationship that lasted for one week ended just like that. There were no words, only this kind of sight she got.     

The people around Misha would understand this habit of his without having to explain. Again, it was just that Kia was not from Misha\'s circle of friends at all. Therefore, how could she understand these kinds of things?     

What she knew was; the man she thought she was in a relationship with, was actually hugging another woman.     

And now, she was witnessing the whole scene.     

On the other hand, Misha was still confused, why did this woman named Kia not do anything and just stare at him like that? Would she cry? Would she be angry?     

If only she did one of those things, then maybe Misha could understand a little, but if she just kept quiet like this, how could he understand? She just stood there doing nothing or saying anything.     

The longer it went on, the more awkward Misha felt being stared at by Kia.     

But, before he could rebuke her again, the woman had lowered her gaze and walked into the room.     

Hmm? What was she planning to do?         

Misha was still holding the woman in his arms, kissing her half-heartedly, but his eyes were still on Kia, watching, waiting to see what she would do by walking into the room.     

Could she be thinking of slapping the woman in his arms? Or would she scream angrily at him?     

However, what she did next was completely unexpected.      

Instead of crying or getting angry, Kia walked into the room quite calmly, as she took off one by one the jewelry she was wearing.     

Misha recognized the jewels because he had given them to her when they had dinner last night.     

Yes, he kind of gave her a little love bombing treatment and it really worked, because after that they spent the night together.     

But, what was she trying to do by removing the earrings, bracelet, necklace and ring? What would she do next?     

While Misha was thinking about that, the woman in his arms broke free from him and looked at his face.     

"I feel uncomfortable with her in this room, can you throw her away?" she asked in a voice that sounded a little annoyed that there was another woman at this time of day. "You! Go away from here! You want to see us making out?"     

Only, before Misha did or said anything, Kia had finished removing her jewelry and walked out of the room, leaving the two of them alone.     

However, the last thing Misha realized was the way she looked at himself, even if it was just a glance, even if it only lasted for two seconds, but the look in her eyes was something Misha would never forget.     

For the first time, Misha felt uncomfortable being stared at by a woman like that and it was also the first time a woman dared to look at him so sharply, because usually the women who were with him always looked at him with lustful eyes and fake love.     

It wasn\'t that Misha didn\'t notice, but that he didn\'t care, because didn\'t they both benefit?     

Misha never left a woman without giving her something of value, jewelry, cars, luxury items and what not? These were the things Misha gave to the women, even though their relationship was short-lived.     

However, this was the first time someone had returned all the jewelry that he had given and did not curse or show emotion when she caught Misha with another woman.     

No, she didn\'t even say a word, but her piercing gaze seemed to represent the feelings she was feeling right now.     

Why was she like that? Why wasn\'t she angry like the other women? And even more so why did she return all the jewels he gave her?     

She should have just taken the jewelry and kept it, after all, Misha wouldn\'t have asked for it back and she could have used the jewelry for fun.     

But, why did she return it?     

In the morning, when Misha woke up, he found his partner still asleep. Last night, they didn\'t do anything, because Misha was annoyed by the way Kia stared at him and this made him unable to enjoy his time with Monica or whatever this woman\'s name was.     

In the end, the lady got annoyed and ordered the most expensive drink and made herself drunk and now she was still asleep.     

Misha didn\'t drink a drop, but he felt his head nearly burst when finally he woke up, as if he\'d just downed a bottle of strong liquor and had a hangover.     

Therefore, he immediately got out of bed and took the headache medicine in his coat pocket and ingested it.     

Outside, the sun had not yet fully risen, but its light had already slightly shone in the dark parts of the night.     

Misha then closed his eyes and every time he did that, Kia\'s sharp gaze and her not saying anything came back to his mind.         

He didn\'t know why this bothered him, because he wasn\'t usually like this.     

And when Misha glanced at the table beside him, he could see the jewels Kia had left behind, they were just lying there, worthless.     

It was also possible that these jewels had no value for Kia either, as she could easily take them off.     

However, as this kept bothering him, Misha then took out his cell phone and called Richard to find out about Kia\'s whereabouts.     

However, the next thing he heard was; "Ms. Lyrant returned the car you gave her last night."     

"What?" Misha frowned. He had never encountered a situation where his gifts were returned, thus, he felt quite surprised by this fact. "What did she say?"     

"Ms. Lyrant didn\'t say anything. She just gave the car keys and parked the car below this building."     

Again she didn\'t say anything. Was she used to not expressing how she felt or was she just like that when she was angry?     

But, whatever it was, Misha shouldn\'t have to care about that, right? Because dumping women was nothing new to him, right?     

That was how it should be…     


"Who\'s he?" Misha asked about the young man who approached him and introduced himself by the name Anthony.     

"He is the new translator, who will replace Ms. Lyrant," replied Richard, who was standing beside him. Anthony would be with them for this final meeting.     

"How did he get replaced at the last minute?" Misha stared at the young man in front of him very fiercely, as if he had done something very fatal.     

However, Richard\'s answer made him unable to protest.     


*Read my new book: KISSED BY THE DARK ALPHA*     

Alpha Micah Donovan\'s second chance mate.     

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