It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!

Chapter 454 RAINY DAY

Chapter 454 RAINY DAY

That morning, Apple walked into Jayden\'s office with a frown on her face. She was very annoyed at the news that was circulating out there and made herself the center of attention. And even though it could be said that no one recognized her, still this made her feel uncomfortable.

Especially after that morning\'s chat with her father.

She didn\'t know what Pyro knew about Jayden until he gave Apple such a warning to stay away from Jayden, but what was certain was that; Apple also had no intention of having a romantic relationship with the Tordoff heir.

This was really messed up.

Apple could feel the questioning stares from the other employees. They whispered to each other and pointed at herself stealthily, thinking that Apple didn\'t notice.

For people who had seen her passing through the office or often seen her with Jayden, of course it would be easy to realize that the woman in the photo was her.

However, luckily they had signed a non disclosure agreement that could prevent them from speaking to anyone outside of the company and it proved to be very helpful in the current situation.

"Jayden!" Apple cried as soon as she entered his office and found that the man was alone there and had been here since early in the morning.

The man was fast asleep on the sofa, with the clothes he wore yesterday and shoes that just fell off.

This was not the sight she had expected herself to see upon seeing this troubled man.

It didn\'t seem that Jayden had been here since early in the morning, but indeed he didn\'t return to his house and instead fell asleep here.

Immediately, Apple scowled, as she couldn\'t vent her frustration on Jayden and approached him slowly.

"He said he couldn\'t sleep on the couch," Apple grumbled. "Then what is this?"

Then, the girl plopped down on the sofa next to Jayden and felt that her head was a little dizzy from not being able to vent her frustration on this one man, as he fell into a comfortable sleep instead.

"You bastard," Apple cursed, sticking her tongue out at Jayden.

And after that, the atmosphere in the room went quiet again, while outside, the morning sky that should have been bright and had the sun shining brightly, was cloudy, indicating that it was going to rain.

Apple thought about their plans later that evening to ambush the people from the organization Jayden had been searching for a long time.

She didn\'t know whether what Richard Anderson said was true or false, but what was certain was that Jayden received reliable information and tonight there would be a shipment of some large cargo at the port.


Apple didn\'t know for sure what was the connection between Jayden\'s trauma and the harbor, but it was one of those places that traumatized him and Apple had seen it with her own eyes, when the trauma triggered something inside of Jayden.

Suddenly, in the serene silence, Jayden\'s cell phone rang. The sound wasn\'t too loud, but it must have been enough to wake Jayden up as it was very quiet in the room and he should have woken up when he heard his cell phone ring.

But, in fact, no. Jayden didn\'t even move at all, not even a sign of him hearing his own cell phone ringing could be detected.

"Hey, your phone is ringing, pick it up, maybe it\'s an important phone call." But, there was no answer from Jayden, he was still lying on the sofa, unmoving.

Only the movement of his chest rising and falling indicated that the man was still alive and stopped Apple from running out while calling an ambulance.

But, even so, it was still suspicious. For someone as alert as Jayden, wouldn\'t it be very strange to fall asleep without paying any attention to his surroundings at all?

It was only then that Apple realized that something was wrong with Jayden. His face looked a lot redder than it must have been and his body was sweating even though the air conditioner was on while it felt quite cold with the rain slowly starting to fall outside.

"Jayden," Apple tried to shake him, but he didn\'t move or get up from his slumber. "Jayden!" her voice sounded louder now.

Oh, sh*t!

Did something happen to him? Was he poisoned? Or did someone attack him before she came here? But, that was impossible, there was no sign of a fight here and he wasn\'t hurt at all after all.

"D*mn it, Jayden! What happened to you?!" Apple then pulled out her own cell phone and intended to contact Adrian.

But, before the call was connected, Jayden had opened his eyes and groaned as he pushed himself into a sitting position.

"No need to make a call," Jayden grumbled, his voice weak and he didn\'t look all right now. "Turn off the call."

Apple did what he wanted and ended the unanswered phone call.

"You\'re so noisy," he grumbled. "You disturbed my sleep."

"Oh, you\'re sleeping? I thought you were dead," Apple said sarcastically. "I\'ve tried to wake you up several times but you wouldn\'t wake up."

Jayden shook his head, as if he wanted to get rid of the cloud that surrounded his thoughts.

"Get my medicine from the break room." Jayden pointed toward the room he used to rest in. "It\'s in the second drawer on the left."

Although Apple had a few questions to ask Jayden, she held herself back and did what the man wanted.

Not to forget, she brought a glass of water for Jayden too.

"It\'s a sedative," Apple stated, after Jayden had finished taking two pills of the drug.

"You know?" Jayden raised an eyebrow, slightly surprised to learn that Apple was aware of this drug.

"Of course I know," Apple replied, leaning back against the sofa and staring at the rain that was starting to fall hard outside.

The situation at the port would be even more difficult if it rained like this later that night.

"Have you ever taken this medicine?" Jayden guessed.

"Hm," Apple replied in a mumble.

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