Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Chapter 365: Beat Up the Big Boy (1)

Chapter 365: Beat Up the Big Boy (1)

"Rhea, what are we going to do to cope with that big boy? Little one, aren\'t the two fairies on that big boy\'s head your acquaintance?" Elena pointed her index finger down. She did what Elysia requested.

"What?" Nell gasped at once. She immediately looked at the earth dragon\'s head, and sure enough, the two fairies in question were indeed there.

"Master Elena, Master Elysia, can you help me to stop Gioragh? At this rate, he will only continue to shake Fairy Continent." Rhea flew to the front of Elena\'s face for a plea.

"All right, but what is your plan? Is it going to be as easy and simple as eradicating the curse energy that contaminates that big boy\'s body?" Elena didn\'t have any objections either. But that didn\'t mean she would just go to be the savior without any plan.

"I don\'t know if it will work or not, but we need to try it. Gioragh has indeed lost his mind, but I\'m sure he still has the memory and strength to recover his mind after he is freed from the energy of the curse." Rhea could only come up with that idea. Then, she invited Elena once again because she also couldn\'t stay still and watch in silence. "Let\'s go? I\'ll help restrain him."

"Good." Elena nodded and ready to leave with Rhea.

At the same time, Nell also prepared to leave. "I\'m going to go save the two fairies. Shelly and Shiny seem to have a problem there."

"Vann, please wait for us here for a moment. We\'ll be right back." After saying that, Elena flew down using magic and was followed by the other two Goddesses.

Vanessa just looked down to watch. Even though the earth dragon was so enormous, she didn\'t worry too much because it was her grandmaster who would handle everything.

On the other side, Shelly had just cut the third root, but her heart was torn to see her granddaughter\'s state. Shiny\'s wings were broken, and there was a large blister on Shiny\'s back.

"Oow, uh... It hurts. One more root. Grandma, I think I can escape this root entanglement now." Shiny hissed in pain because she knew her back was injured.

She tried to free herself from the entanglement of the roots so that she and her grandmother could quickly escape. But, her grandmother immediately prevented her from moving.

"Don\'t move, the wound on your back is pretty bad and there is a lot of blood. It will only get worse if you try to break free." Shelly held her granddaughter\'s shoulders and explained why.

"Mm." Shiny just nodded.

At that moment, the colossal earth dragon couldn\'t find what he was looking for. He didn\'t even know what he wanted to find. Nevertheless, he intended to dive deep into the ground for that something.

"Eh?" Shelly staggered as her footing became unstable.

She turned to the side only to notice that the colossal earth dragon was using magic. Then it suddenly began to sink its head into the ground. The solid soil suddenly became a pond for the colossal earth dragon to dive. But, it was still soil, not mud or water.

"Oh, no." Panic flared in Shelly\'s eyes. She was aware of what would happen to them if the colossal earth dragon did get into the ground, and that wasn\'t good news to say.

For that reason, she hurriedly cut off the last root, which trapped her granddaughter to the colossal monster\'s body parts.

Unfortunately, time refused to cooperate. The colossal earth dragon\'s head entered the ground, and it was only a matter of waiting for a few seconds for Shelly and Shiny to meet their ending.

"Not so fast, big boy. Do you intend to run away?"

A melodious yet authoritative voice suddenly came out of nowhere. And then, a sudden blow threw the colossal earth dragon several tens of meters to the side, thwarting the monster\'s attempt to dive underground.


"Graa!" The colossal earth dragon growled in surprise at the sudden attack. He stabilized himself so as not to roll over.

"Huh?" Shelly and Shiny opened their eyes only to mutter the exact same word.

They turned to the source of the impact and saw the figure of a human lady with long golden hair, golden eyes, and clad in an elegant yet majestic golden white dress.

One thing that left them gaping was that fair ladies had a golden energy aura. Only one answer could answer that... Divine existence, the same Goddess who appeared three days ago in this place.

Then, Shelly and Shiny noticed two fairies near the Goddess. One was predominantly mint green, and the other was predominantly yellowish. However, the latter had wings that were unique to being said to be a fairy.

Shiny somehow felt familiar enough to see the feathery winged fairy. It was as if she had met that unique fairy before, but where? When Len\'s figure came to mind, she gaped and covered her mouth in realization. Maybe, that unique fairy was the Almighty Goddess\'s faithful servant?

"Little one, hurry up and help them, and get back to your magic carpet." Elena ordered Nell one more time as if it was a matter of course.

Even though there was a little dissatisfaction in Nell\'s heart, what could she do other than being obedient? Thus, she flapped her wings and flew quickly to the head of the earth dragon.

"Please don\'t be afraid. We\'ve come to rescue you and handle this big fellow." Nell used her magic to cut off a single root that was entangling Shiny.

She only needed one execution for that. Then, she immediately brought the two fairies flying high towards her magic carpet.

One emergency that Nell encountered was the wounds on Shiny\'s back and wings. It requires immediate medical attention. Fortunately, her holy and blessing magic were extraordinarily reliable at that moment.

"Well then, what do we need to do to handle you, hmm, Gioragh?" Elena tapped her chin and erected a layered invisible barrier for herself, then for Rhea as well.

"Rrrrr..." Gioragh just stared at the two puny creatures in front of him with a complicated feeling.

In any case, he felt two things that were so familiar to him... The green necklace around the bigger creature\'s neck, and then that tiny creature\'s entire being. He had no idea of anything, but he was sure he once knew about that green necklace and little greenish creature.

In his lost state of mind, he could think of nothing more than to take it away. He wanted it, and he must get it!

"Roar!" Gioragh roared once, then leaped forward with his mouth wide open.


The colossal earth dragon landed back on the ground on all fours. An earthquake happened once again, but he didn\'t get anything in his mouth other than soil and rocks.

"Whoops, he\'s so slow that I want to underestimate him." Elena and Rhea dodged the slow attack with ease.

Following that, Elena smirked and delivered her brilliant idea. Great excuse to blow off some steam before dinner. "Hey, big boy, Gioragh, or whatever. Answer me in a language I can understand, or I\'ll start beating you until your senses come back. I once heard that beating someone into oblivion can help a poor dragon like you."

"Uh?" Rhea became puzzled at once. She was already prepared to use her nature magic to seal Gioragh\'s movements for Elena\'s follow-up moves. Yet, it looked like Elena was going to use another idea instead.

Unfortunately, Gioragh couldn\'t understand what Elena was talking about. He just attacked again, but this time more fiercely and also with earth magic.

"Whoops again, your chances are up, and you\'ve ignored my warning. Don\'t blame me after this then." Elena dodged aside once again, and Rhea just followed.

"Please step away a little because this will involve a little violence. I want to try at least once to prove what will happen after beating him into oblivion. After that, you can help me seal all this big boy movement." Elena asked Rhea to move away with shooing hand movements.

"Umm... Okay, but Gioragh is the lord of the earth element. He can be said to be an immortal as long as he is on the ground. Also, he will be more difficult to deal with if he goes deep into the ground." Rhea had no doubts whatsoever. She could only give a little reminder for her almighty master.

Right after that, she immediately returned to her little sister\'s magic carpet in the sky. While waiting for her turn to arrive, it would be better to check on the poor elf\'s condition.

Elena heaved a subtle sigh, and the earth dragon also just turned around to look at her.

"In your current state, you can only do sheer damage no matter where you go. For that reason, allow me to help you with that." Elena gave a light greeting before preparing to use her magic.

\'Sounds polite, even though you only want to beat up this poor enermous earth dragon.\' Elysia chuckled to comment on Elena\'s attitude, which went against the idea in mind.

\'I\'m quite a bit serious to help, you know?\' Elena smiled and walked in the air to approach the earth dragon.

On the other hand, Gioragh felt a threat came from that puny creature. Feeling his instincts kicked in, he immediately prepared for a big attack to snatch the green gem.

It took only two seconds for Gioragh to take a deep breath until his neck had swollen to one-eighth of his body size.


The ground cracked, and landslides occurred, but sadly, Elena didn\'t let it spread any further than that. She didn\'t even let the earth dragon finish with a single roar or whatever.


Elena slapped the air, and a powerful shockwave was sent out to give the earth dragon a tremendous jolt. "Shut up!"

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