The Ancient Genes

Chapter 517 - Scheming

Chapter 517: Scheming

Arena, Orca Academy, Capital.

Even though it was night time, the place was still packed with people who were here to enjoy the night show.

Usually, it wasn\'t that interesting at night and people who couldn\'t find a seat in the daytime would come to have some fun.

But today, the night show had exploded and the place was packed with people who were really going crazy.

"Arcane has really been playing the pig…"

"Were they really that strong?"

"Why haven\'t I heard about those experts?"

"I can\'t understand, why are Young Master and Miss of different Noble Houses in Arcane?"

"Miss Lisa had been in Orca before the competition. And that trash of Barnes family was in Ishtar...but he is all changed now into q genius.....And then that Red haired guy is the Scarlet Lord\'s son...even the Fire and Water General had transferred to Arcane. Can anyone explain what\'s going on?"

"Who knows? But isn\'t it interesting?"

"Who would have thought that Aracne would make such a comeback after disaster?"

"They are on a whole different level from previous years, I thought this time they would be there for sympathy and filling in the numbers…"

At this moment, the main screen switched once again and two figures appeared and immediately the entire Arena became silent but excitement could be seen in their eyes

It was Max and Kain.

"Who do you think would win?"

Max hadn\'t been seen much in the broadcast, since he kept hiding using the cloak. In fact that had been the case for most of Arcane.

But still, the moment each one of them were caught was enough to send the audience crazy.

Wilson had been recorded during his rampage.

Lear had shown himself during the opening ceremony itself so he wasn\'t much of a surprise.

Axel unluckily hadn\'t had any of his domineering moments recorded as he had always been hiding himself too well. After all, it was his style of fighting. But he still managed to shock people through his romantic affairs.

People were all calling him the Daring Thief for being able to steal Erina\'s heart who was the only female among the celestials. And the reason Daring was added, well…..he said it live that he wasn\'t afraid of Scarlet Lord…if you didn\'t call that daring then what would you..

An otaku who only had 2D girls in his eyes had suddenly become one of the most manly figures in the eyes of younger generations.


Max and Kain clashed and a terrifying battle erupted.

People were stupefied for a second, no one had expected either of them to be so strong and the battle to be so devastating.

"Go Boss!!!!!"

"Kick the Noble asses!!"

"Show them how a true Noble should be!!!"

Shouts rang out and a few people\'s faces twitched. But they couldn\'t do anything, Max had his reputation among all kinds of people in every possible way.

Now seeing that he was so strong, these people were completely fired up.

And, these people weren\'t one who were going crazy.

The other Academies Headmaster\'s too had been carrying around ugly faces during the day ever since Wilson and Axel had cooked up that scheme.

At first these guys were surprised after Arcane started to show its true colors but it still hadn\'t given them much of a fright until Axel had come to break their spines.

Strength was one thing and being sly and sinister was another. And when you could combine the these to make a dish, it was a recipe of disaster, especially for the person it was being served to.


Walker House, Capital.

"What did I tell you? He is much better than we could expect for Lisa? She is lucky to have someone like stop sulking all day.." the old man berated his son.

Kenneth, also known as the Mage King, was definitely not satisfied. He couldn\'t understand just what Lisa lacked for his father to be saying those words.

She was cute...lovely...and...cute…

There was practically nothing wrong with her. She was his little angel…

And that Angel was now being snatched away by the Devil Max and he could only grind his teeth in anger and watch helplessly.

The old man looked at his son and sighed. He didn\'t have the guts to let him know the truth. Lisa was no longer an angel but a fallen angel…

"Hmph! If her mother was here then I would have loved to see you open your mouth and say the same...." Kenneth grumbled lightly.

"I can hear you brat…" the old man said as he glared at him, making the Mage King break out in cold sweat. "If she could accompany us, do you think Lisa would have ended up in such a state.."

"What do you mean by such a state? I don\'t see anything wrong enough for her to be paired up with that damn brat!\'\'

"He already had my daughter and yet he has the guts to take another girl? I am jea- angry…." Kenneth roared.

But the old man snorted at him, \'\'Do you think I don\'t know you? If it wasn\'t your wife\'s temper, you would still be a playboy like you were in your younger days….even now you restrain yourself because of fear...."

"Father! Those are serious accusations! I only have true love in my heart and no you think I am like you always getting slapped by Mom for flirting outside…"

"How dare you falsify your mother as a brute and disrespect her?!!"


A slap landed on Mage King\'s face sending him flying through the wall into the next room.

Kenneth held his swollen cheek with a teary eye as he cursed, "Damn! You just need a reason to beat me since you can\'t even deny my words."

"Come here you brat!!"

Edwinson House, Capital..

"I want to see, brother! When are they going to show him!" Lilly asked as she looked at Vitni.

"You have watched enough for today….It\'s time to sleep..." Vitni said as she turned off the T.V. She had already been lenient and extended the duration several times but it was enough now.


"No more no! God girls sleep early. Do you want to be called a bad girl?" Vitni asked as she laid down on the bed and turned towards Lilly and patted her head to help her fall asleep.

Lilly could only nod after hearing that.

On the other side, Saleos was paying attention to the competition as well. And to be honest he wasn\'t happy at all.

Max was stronger than he thought and it seemed he had a lot of connections among the younger generation.

The more Max shined the more of a thorn he was in his eyes. Besides, Max clearly knew everything and had already taken a hostile stance against him. And now seeing his terrifying growth, he knew he had to make a move before it was too late.

"Sir, the person is here…"

Saleos looked at the man and nodded signaling him to bring the person in.

Very soon, the man returned with a hooded figure behind me.

"The Young Lord really came in person...I am flattered.." Saleos said with a smile and the figure finally took the hood off revealing his face.

It was James Oven.

"I am not the Young Lord….its my elder brother…" James replied.

"Hahaha!!! As you wish….so now that your elder brother is missing, I hope we can still continue our relationship…"

"That goes without saying. We are allies." James replied as he was given a seat and served tea.

"I wonder what Sir had called me for?" James asked with a smile.

"I heard that you are making a move on Barnes. I wonder if I can help…"

James looked at him. He was wondering which guy had leaked the information. Well, it didn\'t matter as long as there was no proof behind it. After all, he was a careful guy. He didn\'t think he had left behind any concrete evidence while he had a lot of dirt on this guy.

But the two were in same ship and didn\'t have any reason to sink it.

"I don\'t think it benefits you in any way…" James replied, looking at him.

"It does as long as you accept a small request of mine..."

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