Doctor Demon

Chapter 318 - The Cleaver (5)

Chapter 318 – The Cleaver (5)

"So let me get this straight," Gayoon began. "Students were murdered, demons attacked the place, stalkers being admitted and now the Principal died? How the hell is that school still running?"

The twins and the girls had summarized what happened at the school and she was outraged. Miyoo was in her lap, sipping from a fruit juice box while Maggie was busy watching a drama on the tab.

"If humans want their kids to suffer, they should just send the brats to Hell," Maggie said absentmindedly. "At least we\'re responsible about it. Everything is cleared out in the contract. 8 am to 11 PM, it\'s burning in fire time. 11 PM to 1 PM, it\'s boiling in water time. 2 PM to 5 PM, it\'s getting yourself branded with hot iron."

"Why is there a break between 1 PM and 2 PM?" Minyoon frowned.

"It\'s lunch time for the demons," Maggie joked. 

"Oh shut it you all!" Baekha snapped. "We\'re in big trouble here! The Principal died in school and there\'s a crazy killer on the loose. Focus!"

"This is strange," Yoonmin nodded. "The Principal was quite healthy. To have a heart attack like this…What do you think, Soobin?"

He turned to look at Soobin. To his surprise, she was a little lost and confused as if in a daze. Miyoo reached over and tucked her sleeve.

"Binbin," she calls for her.


Soobin broke out of her reverie and looked around. "Oh. Yes! It is weird. He was healthy."

"Are you alright?" Gayoon asked in a gentle tone. "You seem a little lost, my dear."

"I\'m fine!" Soobin assured her. "I was just thinking about the recent events."

She was exasperated. It was strange because she was listening to them a few moments ago but suddenly, her mind went blank. Soobin was not sure what was happening but she assumed it was from the exhausting events that had been occurring.

"Do you wanna rest?" Yoonmin asked, feeling concerned. "You can rest in my room-"

"Not a chance!" Gayoon said sharply. "Soobin can rest in Miyoo\'s room. Go ahead, dear."

Soobin nodded and slowly headed towards Miyoo\'s room. The others watched her leave.

"She must be very tired," Minyoon remarked. "She has been strange since the morning."

"That manager of hers keeps on giving her too much work!" Yoonmin scowled. "And the work at the doctor\'s office is also exhausting for her."

"Oh my!" Gayoon gasped. "That poor girl works too hard! I should make her dinner more often."

Baekha frowned a little but did not say anything. Soobin was tired and exhausted. I should keep a closer eye on her, she decided.

Back in Miyoo\'s room, Soobin slumped on the bed. Her whole body was lethargic as if someone sapped the energy out of her. She felt something heavy on her chest and her eyes were drooping. 

Maybe I should lie down for a while, she thought and closed her eyes. Slowly, she closed her eyes.


Suddenly, a loud laugh scared her and she snapped her eyes open. Trembling, Soobin looked around but there was no one in sight. The window was closed and there was no one there but her. 

"What the hell?" she whispered. "I must inform Yoonmin-"

A sharp pain pierced her head and she groaned. Her head was spinning and she clutched her forehead, writhing in agony. The pain was only becoming stronger, making her feel as if her head was going to split open.

And then the pain was gone. 

She sat up, her eyes unfocused and blank. For a while, Soobin stared at the wall in front of her, not moving nor making a sound.

"Yes master," she said in a robotic tone. "I understand."

Something was whispering in her ears, a breeze blowing by. Soobin nodded.

"I know, master," she repeated. "I understand. I will do it, master."

Slowly, she leaned back and closed her eyes, drifting into a deep sleep. The breeze stopped blowing and the room fell into a deafening silence.

Jina was in her office when Siwan and Jiwoon came bursting in. Siwan looked enraged and scared as he confronted her.

"I told you to keep Hobin away from the Cleaver case!" He demanded from Jina. "Why is he investigating this?"

"Doctor Kang…" Jiwoon began. "Calm down."

But there was no calming down for Siwan. He was scared, scared that his brother was going to lose himself again. Jina sighed and stood up.

"We didn\'t know at first that it was the Cleaver," she explained. "The Commissioner is making us investigate this. Hobin knows more than us. He can help. I won\'t let him become a demon-"

"That\'s not the issue!" 

Siwan was at a loss. How could he explain to them the whole situation? His mind was going crazy because he had seen the implications of what could happen if Hobin went out of control. The day Taehee died was the day Siwan truly understood what his brother could do in his demon form.

"That demon is targeting my brother and wants to break him," Siwan gritted. "You know very well! We can\'t let him investigate this."

Jina\'s lips quivered. She knew the danger but there was no other option.

"What if keeping him away only pushes him towards his demonic side?" she reasoned. "If he stays away from this case, he might end up investigating it on his own and that\'ll make it hard for me to keep him in check! At least we know what he\'s doing!"

Before Siwan could retort, Jiwoon stepped in.

"I don\'t know much about what\'s going on," Jiwoon said. "But Jina is right. The little I know about Doctor Ohm is that he\'s not the type who will stay away from this case. If we remove him, he\'ll do an independent investigation and that\'ll create more trouble for us. It\'s best to keep him close and let him investigate with us."

Siwan ran his fingers through his hair. "Fine," he conceded. "But if anything happens to him, I want him off the case!"

"You can\'t tell us what to do!" Jina frowned. "It\'s the police procedure! Only the Commissioner can-"

"You will remove him from the case."

He was resolute. No matter how much they knew about the demons now, he was certain that the demon within Hobin was a different matter. Until they knew how to get rid of it, there was no guarantee that it would not take over Hobin\'s mind. 

"I will remove him if I feel that the demon is trying to take over," Jina stated. "Otherwise, I can\'t do it."

"We\'ll look over him," Jiwoo added calmly. She did not know what was going on with Hobin but seeing how serious Siwan was, she knew that something was not right. Yet, she could not ignore Jina\'s words either.

Siwan glared at them and stormed off. Jiwoon followed him.

"Doctor Kang!" 

He stopped but did not turn to face her. Jiwoon took a deep breath and asked, "What is going on? Why do you think that Doctor Ohm will be affected in a bad way?"

She waited for him to answer her. Siwan hesitated but he knew that he could not keep Hobin\'s powers a secret from her anymore.

"Hobin is a half-demon," he revealed.. "And he can read the memories of other people when he touches them."

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