Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 167 A Lesson For The Crocodile Dragons

Chapter 167 A Lesson For The Crocodile Dragons

"You have to believe in yourself!" Chen fan secretly gave himself some encouragement in his heart, then asked Wang Bing to park the car at the gate of the garden, to prevent anything from happening to the car.

When he got out of the car, Wu Ruoyu was ashamed, did not hold Chen Fan’s arm, and just walked with him. Then she smiled and scowled at Yun Meng.

She was ashamed, of course, that the little girl was more embarrassed and went to Chen Fan timidly, and they walked, one on either side.

"Let’s go here. The seafood barbecue is very good." Before he had taken a few steps, Chen Fan simply pointed to one of the shops.

The restaurant, which was located next to the Bolan Garden, was certainly good. It was a very beautiful full-service seafood barbecue restaurant. Chen Fan had brought Yun Meng there several times.

All four of them were young people, and of course, there was no objection to eating seafood barbeque. Entering the hall, Chen Fan casually said, "To the room or in the hall?"

They were not sure who he was talking to. Wang Bing was the only one picky about his food, and Yun Meng would do whatever Chen Fan decided. Wu Ruoyu, upon seeing that nobody replied, looked around and discovered that the hall was not crowded and said, "In the hall. The room is a little too cold and cheerless."

"Okay!" Chen Fan pointed to a position near the window and said, "That’s a nice position, near the window. There are only a few people nearby. You all go and sit down, and I’ll go to the bathroom."

Chen Fan was very cunning. He pointed to the position of four people. If he let them sit down first, Yun Meng and Wu Ruoyu who would sit together, then he would not offend either one, and he could sit with Wang Bing.

When he came back from the bathroom, and the three people had not disappointed him. Wang Bing was sitting alone on one side, researching the menus with his two sparkling eyes, while Yun Meng and Wu Ruoyu quietly looked at Chen Fan.

"Whew!" Chen Fan took a deep breath and then walked quickly to Wang Bing’s side and sat down.

Suffering a major setback due to carelessness was the best way to describe Chen Fan’s mood at the moment. Seeing South Korea being beaten up was so great, and had an exciting moment with Wu Ruoyu, apparently, in the end, forgetting Yun Meng.

The table was quickly filled up by the server, and all varieties of fish and prawns were sizzling on the hot iron plates with puffs of smoke, and the fragrance made them drool.

Wang Bing was impatient. The shell of the shrimp was not completely golden, and he just took his chopsticks and took two and tasted them.

"You like to eat half-cooked, too?" Chen Fan not knowing whether to laugh or cry, thought, Is this guy that hungry?

"Shrimp is best when it is half-cooked so that the shrimp roe is not condensed. It is like drinking half-cooked egg yolk, it tastes good!" Wang Bing raised his eyebrows and continued to eat his shrimp.

Kicking him with his toe, Chen Fan secretly made a "you don’t just eat" expression.

Wang Bing was also a smart man. He knew what was in Chen Fan’s mind, but he just laughed and gave two ah sounds. He ignored Chen Fan to show that he couldn’t help it.

So soon, Chen Fan’s troubles came...

In the past, Chen Fan had been here with Yun Meng a few times. Chen Fan liked to eat the shrimp, and when the shrimp was almost ready, Yun Meng would clamp a few, spread the seasoning, and then give them to Chen fan.

Wu Ruoyu certainly was not jealous when his adopted sister did this. As his girlfriend, of course, she also wanted to express her feelings, so she took a few pieces of squid and handed them to Chen Fan.

As soon as she did this, Yun Meng immediately looked at Wu Ruoyu nervously and naively.

Yun Meng, although she was young, understood Wu Ruoyu’s actions quite clearly, and felt they had exceeded the actions of an ordinary business friendship. Then she felt a bitter feeling rising in her belly, spreading out across her chest, and her whole chest felt sore.

Wu Ruoyu blushed a little when Yun Meng stared at her with her two beautiful sparkling eyes which then looked at Chen Fan, accusing him of not telling Yun Meng her identity. But Chen Fan would not dare look directly at her, kept his head down and kept eating the shrimp in the saucer.

Slowly picking up the cup, Wu Ruoyu, who was blushing, had to drink water to hide her embarrassment.

While she was drinking, Wu Ruoyu suddenly felt something was not quite right. Yun Meng’s look...

Once a certain idea pops up, the more one thinks about it, the greater it becomes. For example, the monk Dharma, sat and meditated while saying that he wouldn’t entertain foolish ideas. But the more he thought it, the more he would keep thinking of it. Another example was when the boy accidentally saw the beautiful woman walking, in his heart he would say to himself that he should not peak, but he could not help himself since the devilish thought kept coming up.

However, Wu Ruoyu was confused. She sensed the obstinate expression on Yun Meng’s face, Chen Fan’s deliberately evasive action, and everything felt wrong. But it was not the time to question those things. For the moment, she could only suppress her doubts.

Everyone was in their own thoughts, and there were a few glancing looks here and there during the meal. Wu Ruoyu bit her lip and gave Chen Fan a questioning look, Chen Fan could only try to avoid eye contact, and he urged them to eat quickly and leave, even though he had not filled up his stomach.

Of course, his desire to hide something only deepened Wu Ruoyu’s doubt.

Inexplicably, the leading actor and actress walked slowly together, without speaking. Wang Bing had already wiped the oil from his mouth and drove back to the villa.

When they got home, it was already 1:20 pm, so Yun Meng had to say goodbye to the both of them and carried the rabbit bag to school.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" asked Chen Fan, who sat on the sofa. "How did the barbecue taste?"

"You’re feeling guilty!" Wu Ruoyu didn’t answer his question. She just stared at Chen Fan deathlike with her big watery eyes. "Didn’t you see the expression on Yun Meng’s face when I dished some food for you? It was as if she had suffered a huge grievance."

"Was it?" Chen Fan gave an expression of confusion and ignorance and smiled. "Just now I was too hungry and was concentrating on eating."

"What is your relationship with her?" Wu Ruoyu plucked up her courage to speak out. "You are not related by blood, so I am afraid you... you..." Wu Ruoyu felt embarrassed to finish her sentence, but anyone could understand her meaning.

"What relationship could there be?" With his tongue licking his dry lips, Chen Fan asked. "She had lost her loved ones at a young age, so maybe she is more attached to me?"

"The way Yun Meng looked, was not attachment at all. It was totally... it... the look only lovers have." Wu Ruoyu gently pushed her hair behind her ear. She was now uncertain. As long as there was no proof, she could not make a conclusion yet.

"All right, all right. You’re jealous of the wrong person. Different people and faces show different emotions. For example, when someone is angry they laugh. Others cry when they are angry. You have misunderstood Yun Meng. She didn’t necessarily mean what you thought by her expression."

Chen Fan stretched his hand to touch the golden hair of Wu Ruoyu who was leaning on him, and then, and then stroked down her had like he would a kitten. "Let’s take Wang Bing, for example. Wang Bing is lascivious, but it cannot be observed from the expression on his face. Similarly, you can’t just blindly conclude from a few expressions, that I have something to do with Yun Meng!"

Wu Ruoyu smiled at the stupid example he gave. Although knowing what he said was wrong, she knew she would not get an answer if she kept asking, and she secretly decided in her heart that she would observe him meticulously from then on. After all, the pure and beautiful Yun Meng was like a piece of sweet and delicious cake there. He was a Wolf, and the possibility that he could not resist it was high.

Chen Fan had just used Wang Bing as a metaphor, but now he was beginning to do it himself. His left hand that stroked her hair, gradually began to move downward.

"Don’t! Stop that now! I’m going to work!" A pink blush was slowly appearing from Wu Ruoyu’s skin like an advertisement effect of cosmetics products on TV.


After Wu Ruoyu left, Chen Fan gave a great sigh!

It is true that a man who is noble in his depravity thinks he has the confidence to teach his present girlfriend and his future wife. The problem was both of them live near, and in that kind of environment, it was more intense.

He was burying himself in the sofa, thinking about his future, when the ringing phone broke his thought.

Chen Fan pressed the key, and pinched his nose and said, "Jiang Shui, are my things done?"

"It’s done, boss!"

"Well, you call the factory staff and tell them to bring it to the big dock." Chen Fan thought for a while and added, "Have them send it now. Don’t dawdle."

Hanging up the phone, Chen Fan tidied up his clothes and went to the garage. To deal with the stubborn crocodile, Chen Fan had deliberately made a weapon in the shipyard to teach them.

The structure of the weapon was simple, so it could be finished in a day.

The staff in the shipyard had already moved the weapon to the dock, and when Chen Fan opened the dock gate, a small cargo ship rumbled into it sending the thing in.

"You two, go and take it off with the crane." Chen Fan pointed to two employees who looked familiar but could not recall name their names. The dock was not only large, but also had two small cranes that could be used to load and unload cargo.

"Okay, boss!" The two men agreed, and they climbed up the tower. Shipbuilders were not unfamiliar with simple towers. The difference was only their skills.

The crane thundered and lowered the weapon to the ground. Chen Fan took out two packets of Zhonghua cigarettes, and handed to them to them as a reward.

"Hehe... Thanks, boss!" The two smokers could not restrain themselves from taking one out to smoke. They thanked Chen Fan, and then quickly took the boat out of the dock.

Smiling, he stared at the specially ordered weapon on the ground. Chen Fan’s face showed the inscrutable smile like the warlord head of the Zhili military faction.

The weapon structure was very simple but very practical!

It was made of 200 meters of soft steel wire, with 2 meters of steel wire at the end of the steel wire. When the electric eel shook like a woman dancing, the crocodile dragon would enjoy a very "happy" electric shock when they were covered in steel wire.

"Haha!" Chen Fan roared, then transfer his mind to the electric eel, controlled it to slip out of the big hole, and swim to this side.


After 20 minutes, the electric eel was again drilling into the hole, only with a wire of amazing length on its claws.

Chen Fan then locked the dock gate and drove home, comfortably lying in bed. Of course, there should be a good environment for doing this. And the dock was obviously not suitable.

The two hundred meters of steel wire was not at all difficult to drill down a dozen-meter-wide hole with, and the electric eel "forced the flow" into the mysterious space where the light could not reach. It started looking at the environment and was going to start looking for the crocodile dragon.

From the entrance to the lake, there were more than 30 large and small crocodile dragons in action, and the giant crocodile dragon was not seen. It might be hiding in the lake, eating, or had gone to some female dragon to mate with!

"Hum!" The electric eel, while using the air to vibrate its mouth, went to the lake with a defiant gesture.

More than 30 of them were playing. Once they saw the horrible monster from the day before coming again, they hurriedly gathered together and cautiously fixed their sight on the electric eel.

"Hum!" The electric eel continued to give a loud noise and move toward them step by step.

"Ang... and ..." more than 30 crocodile dragon were not willing to show weakness. Each opened their throats in response to the electric eel’s provocation. But compared with the first time, there was obviously a lack of feeling.

Crocodile dragon’s sound was great, especially in the closed space. All that were at the lake came out and joined as one big force, including the 60-meter giant crocodile dragon.

The electric eel and the crocodile dragon’s roared across the hundreds of meters, and more crocodile dragons gathered. Almost 70 of them came out of the lake, forming an arc in front of the electric eel.

The total number of adults in the group was about 120. Except for the unexposed young ones, that was about all the crocodile dragon in that space.

The average body length was 25 meters. With a total of 120 crocodile dragons, the area they were covering was very, very large. An electric eel that was more than 80 meters was enclosed in the center, like a tiger surrounded by a pack of wolves.

"Kill!" Chen Fan roared in the heart and immediately controlled the electric eel to rush at the crocodile dragons!

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