Nightmare's Call

Chapter 229 - Building: Part 2

Chapter 229: Building: Part 2

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

A label suddenly popped up to the right of the stone building model: Preparatory Sanctum. Lin Sheng reached to tap the label, and a drop-down menu expanded.

Preparatory Sanctum—St. Lin Sheng is the Ashen Seal Core.

The sanctum force field: spirit purification is weak (affect the negative condition of living things, purify some negative thoughts)

Upgradable: The Sanctum of Dawn, the Sanctum of Dusk, the Sanctum of Shadows.

“Selectable menu?” Upon seeing this, Lin Sheng instantly found it as ridiculous as playing video games. But he still decided to proceed and pressed the ‘Sanctum of Dawn’ selection. Immediately, another page of information rushed into his mind.

The Sanctum of Dawn: substantially cleanse the negative form, heal the injured living things, and trigger different types of divine healing spells.

Long-term exposure could enhance the sacred power adaptability of living things; prolong its lifespan up to ten years.

Sacred power required: 100 units

“This should not be the design for use in war zones.” Lin Sheng speculated. He then clicked the second selection: The Sanctum of Dusk, and immediately, a new piece of information came into his mind.

The Sanctum of Dawn: a special sanctum that possesses a certain level of defense capability. It could dispel alien and evil energy and has a divine healing spell that protects an area and brings security and hopes to the residents.

Sacred power required: 200 units

Lin Sheng squinted, feeling this description was overly simplified. “A certain level of defense capability? What defense capability a sanctum could have?” He moved to the third selection and clicked on it, and another new piece of data flowed into his mind.

The Sanctum of Shadows: a special sanctum that possesses a powerful defense capability, has a suppressive level of power over alien energy, is suitable as the last line of protection for living things in an extremely harsh environment.

Sacred power required: 500 units

Three types of sanctums for three different environments; the builder could select the most suitable option for its use. But what Lin Sheng saw right now was solely for his eyes only because when he checked in the ‘Preparatory Sanctum’ menu, he had only three units of sacred power in the font while each sanctum had a minimum requirement.

“This means, after all the sacred power I have injected, it has only become three units after the standard conversion?” Lin Sheng calculated in his mind and figured that the total amount of sacred power he had put into the Preparatory Sanctum was one-tenth of his overall capacity. “This also means that if I use my full capability of sacred power, I can add 30 units of sacred power into the sanctum, which also means that three rounds of full-capability injection will meet the minimum requirement for building the Sanctum of Dawn.”

He figured that if he exhausted all his sacred power, he would need at least a day before he could fully recover them. And since sacred power was the instantiation of the power of the soul, over-exhaustion of sacred power could adversely affect his health. “Four days is what it takes to meet the minimum requirement of the Sanctum of Dawn. As a Level 5 sacred power Temple Warrior, I have to spend four days just to meet the minimum requirement of the basic type of sanctum?”

When Lin Sheng recalled the powerful small sanctum in Blackfeather City, he realized that he still had a long way to go. Quickly, he pulled his consciousness out of the virtual space. As soon as he opened his eyes, he felt the sanctum was a little different from before. There were dust and debris on the inside, but it felt so clean, holy, peaceful, and cozy. It was a strange feeling. But Lin Sheng knew that it was a natural effect of the force field after the activation of the sacred power font. This force field was still relatively weak, considering that there were only three units of sacred power inside the font.

“Come in and experience it for yourself.” Lin Sheng called out. The Steel Lord, Khadula, and Adolf slowly walked in.

Khadula was the first to experience a reaction as she was injured and in the process of recuperating. Besides, the fact that she shared the same body with Lin Sheng, the energy field did not reject her. “I feel a sense of security... it is a pleasant feeling.” She slowly walked up beside Lin Sheng and held his hand.

Meanwhile, the Steel Lord skimmed around carefully. “This environment doesn’t make for battle. But the force field isn’t bad; it has no problem in calming people’s minds.” To him, this pathetically weak force field did not worth mentioning at all. But since this was his big brother’s masterstroke, he did not say a bad word about it.

On the other hand, Adolf was the most astonished among the three of them. He had never had such a pleasant feeling before. He felt as if he had returned to his childhood, in his mother’s arms, happy and safe. With the talent for sacred power, Adolf could clearly feel a warmth in the air enveloping and protecting him.

“Now, can you do the publicity?” Lin Sheng looked at Adolf. Being a part of Lin Sheng, the Steel Lord and Khadula knew what Lin Sheng was thinking. The focus now was on Adolf, who truly represented the average human.

“Great!” Adolf nodded. “It has a great healing effect on the body and mind. It might seem a little too weak for us, but it should be great for the average person. Especially those with a weak physique, the feeling would be tremendous. Some of my friends who like to stay up late will benefit the most if they are willing to come here for even just a while.”

“The force field can only cover this little space. I will allocate half of the seating to you. You decide how you are going to sell it,” said Lin Sheng, his voice matter of fact.

“Understood!” Adolf replied.

“Remember, those who have committed too much sin must not be brought in.” This was the only rule that Lin Sheng had imposed. He had learned the importance of the power of influence since he was small and weak. So his priority had always been bringing people of influence together to form an even more influential force. The Preparatory Sanctum could sit about forty persons, and he allocated twenty seats to Adolf so that he could invite more people of influence to the sanctum.

“Understood!” Adolf knew what Lin Sheng meant.

“Steel Lord, you can go back now. Khadula, stay here until you have fully recovered.” Lin Sheng instructed.

“Aye,” the two quickly replied in their minds.

“The energy field might cover the entire hill, but the closer it gets to the sanctum, the stronger the energy is. So, Adolf, you can bring your family for a short trip here whenever you want. It is good for their health.” Lin Sheng reminded.

“Thank you, Teacher.” Adolf bowed his head in appreciation.

In fact, Lin Sheng was delighted with Adolf. This student was obedient, smart, and always in-condition in terms of EQ and IQ. What was more was that Adolf could provide him with seemingly unlimited resources so that he did not have to run around like a headless chicken to collect materials. He just needed to say it, and Adolf would fling himself into carrying out the duty without expecting anything in return. It could be noted that Adolf was the best student he could ever have. Taking more care about Adolf was only a natural thing to do.

After giving out his instructions, Lin Sheng left behind two vault guards in the Preparatory Sanctum to prevent anyone from trespassing. And he further injected a few more units of sacred power into the font before leaving.

The Steel Lord had left. There was already a small group of people under him, and he must not be away for too long. Meanwhile, Khadula was staying for the night in the Preparatory Sanctum.

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