500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 419 Borrow Some Wheels!

"Oh, of course, you will! You just expect us all to lay down our weapons and let you take over Torrain City? And who is this \'Us\'? There is no one else here besides me!" Destructia shouted as she gestured around her, and summoning circles appeared everywhere around me. "Or is it? Did you think that I would come unprepared to fight the False God?! Your mother, Nemoria, is the one that will rule us all!"

I looked around and looked around at the Brood Spawn Riftwalkers that were starting to rise up from the circle. Each of the otherworldly creatures was covered in tentacles and had the smell of rot hanging over them. This was not something that I wanted to fight in the city, but these creations were no ordinary spawned creatures.

"You will not take over Torrain City, Destructia," I said as I lifted my gun and fired a single shot at her head. The shot went through her with ease, but she only smiled at me.

"Do you think that you can kill me that easy? I have been collecting Negative Energy for 500 years now! I knew that when I was summoned back from the other side, I was destined to meet you again, so I stored it all in preparation! My sisters have been doing the same, and they await you if you can somehow survive this!" Destructia shrieked, and a wave of chaos blasted out from her, causing the buildings around us to explode inward, but it all seemed to be directed at me.

"Tallia, some armor would be nice right now," I said calmly as I put up a hand and repulsed everything back from me with a burst of Pure Magic.

[Coming up!]

The assault rifle burst into golden energy and then coated my body in golden armor. The golden plate was sleek and smooth on the inside, with the cats etched in black and white on it.

The debris was blasted back, and I took no damage from any of what had been flung at me. I smiled as the armor fit perfectly to my body and then looked at Destructia with a gleam in my eyes.

"What do you think of that? There is no chance that you can stand against a god!" I yelled out, and Destructia snarled, and the Mini-Riftwalkers started to come for me.

I roared and summoned my Zodiac coating, giving me my galactic claws, tail, ears, and mane as the negative creatures came at me. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I could feel the negative force in them, but it was also entwined with positivity from the people of Torrain City. It gave me strength, and I slashed my claws at each of the creatures that came near me, but then I was grabbed and thrown.

I flew across the courtyard and hit a wall of rubble that exploded outward, but I laughed as I got up and dusted the dirt off my body.

"That\'s all you have?! That won\'t be enough to take me out!" I shouted at Destructia, who had now transformed into her true form, which was an abomination of tentacles and claws. She screeched loudly as she started shooting blasts of negative energy from her hands toward me. They went through the walls around me, but I was unscathed, and I rushed her, but more Riftwalkers appeared and blocked my path.

Destructia just laughed as I charged forward, slashing at the Riftwalkers with my claws before they could get to me. I was pushed back moments later by a blast of energy that exploded outward, sending rubble crashing down all around us. The smoke and dust settled shortly after, giving both of us a clear view of each other again.

"You can\'t win, Cat God! The world is mine now!" Destructia yelled out from behind her wall of minions, which had started to swarm toward me in waves again.

I got up and spit some blood out as I healed myself. The air around me started crackling as I reached my hand in the air, and the wall got closer. It was time to borrow some wheels from the bro!

"Leo! I request the aid of your power!" I roared, and suddenly there was a storm above us, and right before the Riftwalkers reached me, a galactic lightning bolt shot from above, crashing down and striking me.

Time slowed to a near-stop, and lines started to appear in every direction. I grabbed one, and I was instantly behind them all, and blood sprayed from the ones I had passed. It was black and disgusting, but I could hardly expect anything else.

I pulled at all lines and ripped through them all, and time snapped back as all the Riftwalkers exploded into hundreds of cut pieces, and then I burnt them into ash.

Turning my head to the abomination that was Destructia, I looked at her twisted form 50 feet away, and then I grabbed a line and was instantly to her, with her cracked face in my hand.

"Get out of my city," I growled in her ear, and then I threw her out of the city. I jumped in the air and flew towards the east, where I had tossed her.

Now that she was out of the city, I would really cut loose. I was going to put an end to this vile creature once and for all and send a warning out to the others.

[Be careful. I think that she has been gathering up her energy, so I don\'t think this is over. You should merge with Umbra because I think you are going to need the Nightmare Cat, but maybe activate your Vampanther mode first and then the Dark Mode. I am pulling back, just in case something happens, and you lose it.]

"Good, but I got it this time. I have more to protect now, and I am not going to let this monster do anything to get in the way of that!" I called out as I saw the growing black mass in the distance.

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