To Hell With Being a Hero!

Side Story Chapter 10. Iron-Blooded Empress of a Thousand-Year Empire

After Chi-Woo defeated the Sernitas, the Celestial Realm heroes returned. Liber seemed to live in peace for a while. Those Chi-Woo had revived deeply recognized their wrongs and sought to find ways to coexist through cooperation rather than fighting with each other. With everyone’s efforts, peace continued for quite a long time, but in the end, it couldn’t last forever. As time passed, the greedy ones yet again emerged one after another.

“Then at that moment, those two stepped forward.” Chi-Woo knew who the two people Raphine was talking about were without even needing to ask. Raphine continued, “Those two sought to maintain the world you saved and recreated, so they didn’t forgive those who tried to ruin it.” It was also around this time that Eshnunna earned the nickname of the cold-hearted ice witch, and Hawa was nicknamed the ruthless silver-haired angel of death.

“I thought their methods and processes were extreme…but it was understandable as they were both living witnesses of the past. As someone who also lived through that time, I could understand them, and I thought I’d wait and see unless they cross the line too much.” Anyway, since they were both humans, Raphine had thought they would intervene in moderation and live out the rest of their lives in peace, but…

“I had no idea they would transcend the limits of the human species and become like that.”

“Transcend. They must have both gotten much stronger.”

Raphine smiled. “They are not just strong. As of this moment, even I can\'t look down on them. Well, it’s all thanks to the power that you gave them.”

In summary, Eshnunna and Hawa tried to maintain the basic structure of Liber from when Chi-Woo saved it, but later, they agreed to manage the entire Liber. The great Salem Empire and the La Federation were thus born. And as time passed, the ice witch and the silver-haired angel of death became queen and saint respectively. Then once again, when the same number of years passed like running water, Eshnunna became an Empress who ruled the empire forever, and Hawa became a prophet who led everyone.

“Looking back, those two must be brimming with intense aspirations at that time.”

“What kind of aspiration?”

“I don’t know exactly because I’m not them. But they looked just like a child.”

“A child…what?”

“Yep. Why, they are like children who receive such a precious present that they throw a fit if another person even touches it with their fingernails.”

Chi-Woo couldn’t smother his laughter after hearing Raphine’s explanation. He didn’t know why, but he couldn’t stop laughing. What in the world? How could the iron-blooded empress who ruled the greatest empire in all of human history for a thousand years be Salem Eshnunna? And the saint and great prophet who bore all the pain on Liber be La Hawa?

“If you have the time, go and meet them both. I think I know what their aspirations might be.”

“I came here to drop by and visit them anyway.”

“That’s good. Then, they’ll finally be able to let things go a bit… Anyway, I think I’ve given you information to your heart’s content by now.”

“Then it must be my turn. You’re talking about Chi-Hyun, right?”

Raphine nodded without words.

“He’s doing well. The end.”


“I’m kidding. Chi-Hyun retired from being a hero.” When he told her that after putting down all his burdens, he finally started studying as he wanted, Rapine’s face noticeably brightened. “Come to think of it, should I have also brought him here?”

“No.” Surprisingly, Raphine immediately shook her head. “I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to see him, but it’s a load that he was finally able to put down. If he no longer has to be involved in matters like this and continues to live the life he fully wants…that will be enough for me. I’m serious.”

The way Raphine spoke with a serious expression made Chi-Woo look at her in a new light. “I envy my brother at times like this. He has someone who cares about him so deeply.”

“Is there anything to envy?” Raphine gave him a bland smile. “There’s someone who hasn’t forgotten you for a single moment for 1,000 years. Not one, but two.” Then suddenly, a whistle was heard outside the pub, and the street became busy. It seemed as if the guards had already chased him down.

“Ah, they must already be here.”

“You shouldn’t look down on the guards here. Only the holy city, Shalyh, is like this, while the empire has seen significant development over the past 1,000 years.”

Chi-Woo stood up from his seat, looking at the chuckling Raphine.

“Are you going now?”

“Yes, I have to run away before I get caught.”

“Even with that power, you choose to run away instead of using force.” Raphine was in awe for a moment. “Should I say it’s as expected? It’s just like you.”

“There’s no need to even mention it. It’s nothing. Anyway, it was nice to meet you after a long time, Raphine.”

“It was nice to see you too. Thanks to you, I’ve had a fun time for the first time since forever.”

Chi-Woo quickly left the tavern, leaving behind Raphine’s farewell. The next destination had already been decided.

* * *

The atmosphere inside the Salem Imperial Palace was like walking on thin ice as always. There was only awe and fear in the eyes of the officials looking at the woman sitting on the throne. She was a living witness of history, surpassing their fathers, grandfathers, and even their great-great-grandfathers. All the officials were gray-haired old men and women, but they all knew that even if they lived ten times as long as they had lived, their years would be nothing compared to the time the Empress of the empire had lived through.

Nevertheless, the Empress in their sight was still young. She couldn’t hide her old soul from living such a long time, but by her appearance alone, she looked as fresh as a young lady who had just become an adult. At this point, it was difficult to even consider her human like them. Thus, they couldn’t even dream of disobedience, let alone a rebellion.

From the time she laid the foundation for the unified empire and sat on the throne, Eshnunna had wielded absolute power for a thousand years. As a result, no one doubted at this point that she was the empire itself. While the meeting was continuing in such a cold atmosphere, urgent news arrived. Soon after, a subtle change appeared on Eshnunna’s face, who had been listening to the report with an indifferent expression. A look of surprise seemed to flash through her cold eyes.

“Say it again.” Then she jumped up from her throne in shock. “He said this land was originally his?”

The officials also stared at her with expressions of surprise. Their cold-blooded Empress had never shown a single trace of emotion in hundreds of years, but was now reacting so violently?

“Yes, your Imperial Majesty! He even showed a document of rights certifying his authority, and the investigation shows that although it’s a document made over a thousand years ago, it is indeed authentic…” The frightened messenger bowed further and explained in detail. “And he was last seen at the tavern, but according to the owner, she was too scared and had no choice but to obey whatever he said…”

Eshnunna’s eyes narrowed at the words, ‘owner of the tavern’. There was only one tavern owner in Shalyh—the Last Dragon, Raphine. Eshnunna had set up a separate place for her in the city after Raphine requested to spend the rest of her life quietly. As someone who knew her true identity, it was hard to believe that Raphine would be too scared to do anything. However, the story changed if the person was who she was thinking of—No, it was not the time to be doing this.

It wasn’t 100 years or 200 years. She had waited for a thousand years. Although he had left coldly, she had continued with the hope that he would stop by one day. Eshnunna became impatient as she recalled the unforgettable day at the festival. She couldn’t miss another opportunity as she did then. Thus, she was going to cast away her dignity as an Empress and run there herself when—

Knock, knock. Someone seemed to be knocking on the palace’s wall.

“Excuse me.”

Then Eshnunna heard a familiar voice.

“I heard that Eshnunna was here and came by. I was wondering if she was around…”

The officials turned around and looked at the young man scratching his head with expressions of ridicule. Aside from just barging in—What? Who did he say he was here for? As someone who was the empire herself, Salem Eshnunna was not a name to be spoken in vain. How dare he utter her name with such disrespect!

“What in the world is the guard captain doing!?” There was an immediate outcry among the officials. Of course, everyone knew there was no need to call the guard captain, since the millennium empire was built on Salem Eshnunna’s force and strength. Unless it was the great prophet of the La Federation or the Last Dragon, who rarely made an appearance these days, there was no other worthy opponent for their empress. Since the iron-blooded empress’ old nickname was the cold-blooded witch, the intruder would soon freeze and shatter into pieces. After thinking this, the officials closed their eyes, having anticipated the impending disaster. However, what they feared did not happen.

The officials were shocked when they opened their eyes, wondering what was happening. The iron-blooded empress they thought had lost her emotions and became a cool-headed monster with only her sense of reasoning left—she was now showing her emotions, clearer than ever. Eshnunna’s expression was changing every moment as she looked at Chi-Woo. At first glance, she looked disappointed in him and even seemed to be glaring at him in resentment. But she also seemed lost due to his sudden appearance and couldn’t think of what to say. Even then, she couldn’t hide the indescribable longing and affection in her gaze.

Eventually, Eshnunna, who had been staring at Chi-Woo with her eyelids and lips trembling for a while, couldn’t suppress the tears in her eyes. “Ugh…uh…eh…aww—” Like ice melting, she buried her face into her hands and cried her heart out. “Wah-awwwww—!”

The officials were now beyond confused and doubted whether what they were seeing was reality. They wondered if they were in a dream as they watched the Empress, who had always been as cold as ice, suddenly burst into tears. However, there were still surprises left.

“Uhhhh! Why!” Chi-Woo, who was smiling and waving, ran up to the throne in shock as soon as Eshnunna burst into tears. “Ah, why are you crying? It’s been a while since we met. You should smile.” This strange man dared to touch the Empress. “Come on, don’t cry. Let’s see our dear Eshnunna’s face after a long time. Who’s a good girl?” He put one hand on her shoulder and tried to remove her hand from her face with his other hand. His disrespectful behavior warranted punishment a thousand times and over.

However, Eshnunna gently lowered her hands and showed her face with tears and a runny nose. “Why…why were you so…late…” She spoke while breathing hard and collapsed into Chi-Woo’s arms, burying her face in his chest. “I wanted to see you so much…do you know how long I waited…for 1,000 years…” She hadn’t let anyone into her heart for 1,000 years, regardless of age or gender. “There was something I had really wanted to say, at that time…” She wailed and continued, “How, how can you, just leave, without a word, like that…”

The officials were stunned speechless to see the iron-blooded empress, who had declared that she was married to the empire, cry in the arms of a man by her own will. Eshnunna was also well aware of the gazes on her, but she didn’t care in the least bit. She had endured 1,000 years for just this moment. It was okay if it was just this once; it was okay even if she never met him again. She just wanted to see him, just once. That was how desperate she had been. Now that her 1,000-year-long wish had finally come true, she couldn’t care less about what other people were thinking.

“All right, I got it. I’m sorry. I\'m really sorry.” Chi-Woo gently hugged Eshnunna, who kept hitting his chest with her fist. “If I knew you would be like this, I would have come earlier.” He consoled her while patting her back.

Then Eshnunna cried her heart out for a long time in Chi-Woo’s arms after finally meeting him again. A grown woman, the one called the iron-blooded empress and was admired and feared by all, bawled like a baby.

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