A Demon's Journey

Chapter 502 Saint Stele

The Saint Stele was briefly mentioned in those ancient records, and Shun remembered such a stone stele in a secret chamber of the Royal Palace.

He then met with an archaeologist specializing in ancient history and authored books about it. This was the same archaeologist who had deduced the truth about Azaroth\'s totem.

This archeologist had many theories regarding the ancient era and also mentioned Saint Stele. His theories regarding the Saint Stele matched up with Shun\'s guesses.

After that, Shun mentioned Azaroth\'s true identity as the Demon God to the king and observed his reaction. The king was startled and terrified. That much was true. But he didn\'t seem to have a hopeless look on his face.

He clearly had a trump card underneath his sleeve. And this Saint Stele could be the only thing that could be considered a trump card against a Demon God.

Azaroth was now concentrating on concocting pellets and a unique poison. His retainers and subordinates had been gearing up for a long time, and now was the time for them to breakthrough.

Other than Noah, all of Azaroth\'s retainers were in seclusion to break through to the 5 Star Rank. Noah had only managed to reach the peak of the 4 Star Rank. He still required some battle experience against a strong opponent to break through to the 5 Star Rank.

The quickest one who broke through to the 5 Star Rank was none other than William! Azaroth was sure that this was because of the Golden Drake\'s Blood Essence, which had allowed William to absorb those pellets quickly.

Moreover, the techniques William was cultivating would allow him to stabilize his cultivation quickly.

The next person to reach the 5 Star Rank was Laura. As a pure-blooded elf, while possessing the Royal Blood, her potential in cultivation was far superior to a typical human warrior. Thus, she reached the 5 Star Rank just a bit after William.

Tiana, Yrellea, Sargan, and Ralph were the next ones to advance to the 5 Star Rank in chronological order.

Meanwhile, on the borders of the Glerian Kingdom, as the war on the battlefield continued, both sides lost their forces.

However, it was worth noting that the Sinyalian Kingdom lost very few men compared to the Glerian Kingdom\'s army.

The battles between the 6 Star Warriors seemed to be nearly equal. They fought in the skies to prevent harming their own side.

Since the 6 Star Warriors were out of the picture for a while, a single man seemed to dominate the entire battlefield. This was none other than David Valliadis.

His presence was like that of a Monstrous Bird that would show up at any part of the battlefield and defeat all his enemies easily. His Phoenix Flames and Avatar seemed to have turned the battle completely in the Sinyalian Kingdom\'s favor.

And just when the Glerian Kingdom seemed to be losing ground, something unusual occurred. Something that was completely out of expectations for both sides.

Thousands of beasts suddenly charged out of the western forest of the Glerian Kingdom and attacked the Sinyalian Kingdom from another angle.

The one leading this force was a young man with a ferocious look. His markings on his face, eyes, and ears told them that this was a Demi-Human!

Moreover, this demi-human led several other demi-humans who possessed similar beast-like features. These demi-humans were leading merciless creatures and attacked the Sinyalian Kingdom\'s forces.

The battlefield turned completely chaotic after the entrance of this group. It was led by none other than Ralph.

After breaking through to the 5 Star Rank, Ralph immediately led all his forces to attack the Sinyalian Kingdom\'s army. His task was to catch them off-guard and prevent them from reorganizing their rear army.

This was all so that the second phase of this assault could succeed.

​ The second phase of this assault was performed by none other than the most prestigious group of the Glerian Kingdom; The Heretical Paladins!

Moreover, this group directly targeted the area where David Valliadis was fighting! The one leading them was none other than Noah, who fought like a demon and killed all the enemy soldiers in his way!

His appearance was truly shocking for both allied and enemy forces. The allied forces soon cheered and immediately shouted his name, "NOAH! NOAH! NOAH!"

As Noah\'s name resounded on the entire battlefield, David Valliadis couldn\'t help but stare in the direction from where the Heretical Paladins were attacking them!

He noticed the young kid that everyone had been talking about. Despite Noah\'s young age, David didn\'t look down on him. Noah had managed to accomplish great deeds on the battlefield, and he was worth respecting!

Raising his right arm, David pointed his finger in Noah\'s direction. Those who were familiar with him realized what he was doing.

"Golden Solar Finger – One Finger Version!"

A highly compressed ray of the pure gold element was shot out of his finger. This ray targeted Noah. Only Noah saw this attack coming and could react on time among the Heretical Paladins.

He could sense a very threatening feeling from this attack and immediately raised his sword to deflect it.

Noah had infused his sword with his wind ardor and his sword qi, yet as he blocked that ray, he realized his power was far from enough.

Noah could barely deflect it that it went through his shoulder rather than his heart. However, his left hand was completely useless now!

"Split up! I will handle him!" Noah gave that order to his subordinates as he jumped toward David.

He managed to gauge David\'s power as he blocked that ray. It made him realize that this was more than he could handle.

David didn\'t seem surprised that Noah managed to slightly deflect his attack. He had expected such a thing to occur.

Noah released his Sword Domain and tried to boost his power as much as possible. Any attack entering his Sword Domain would experience a strong suppression from the sword laws.

Only through this method could Noah fight against David equally. However, in reality, Noah underestimated David too greatly.

David stimulated his Royal Bloodline and instantly boosted his Ardor\'s power. He also released the seal on his Phoenix Flames and once again pointed his fingers in Noah\'s direction.

This time, David was pointing two fingers in Noah\'s direction. Both these fingers were gathering different elements. One was gathering dense Gold Element while the other gathered dense phoenix flames!

He was about to shoot the Golden Solar Fingers – Two Fingers Mode at Noah when his body was suddenly struck by a sharp claw. It was Ralph who had arrived at this moment, and he quickly kicked David away.

Ralph had a serious expression as he kicked David away. He thought \'He could even react and move his hands to block my kick in that posture. What a great battle intuition he possesses!\'

Suddenly, twin rays of golden and orange color were launched at Ralph.

Ralph saw those rays and immediately moved from his spot. He had activated his bloodline, and his speed was significantly boosted at this moment.

This was all thanks to the Sabertooth Tiger\'s Tooth Azaroth gave him. The Sabertooth Tiger\'s Tooth had completely fused with Ralph\'s body and transformed his bloodline into a superior one.

Ralph\'s bloodline now possessed a trace of an Ancient Tiger\'s Bloodline!

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