World Online

Chapter 239 Wolves

"Come on, Ghostly Star. Stop holding up." Lone Assassin called out as he grudgingly moved forward.

"This pink mist is irritating as it is. And we already separated from the rest of the group for some reason. I can\'t see any of them. If we break this group up, who knows what monsters we will have to face on our own." He said.

His sword was as normal as it got. After all, he was just a normal player. As average as one got.

"Come on. Wait up. I am way too tired for some reason. I had to deal with more wolves than you. You know that." Ghostly Star said, shaking his head.

"You are an assassin, while I am a tank. You know that I am slower and have to face more monsters." He said.

​ "Stop bickering, both of you. Its just the three of us here. Better not speak and become a target for any monster that might come at us." The sole woman in this group, Volcanic Python, said, sighing.

"Don\'t try to play mediator, Python. Star has been slowing us down for way too long already. If this keeps going on, then we might fall because of him. We need to find the rest of the army soon." Lone Assassin said.

"You…" Ghostly Star growled.

"If it isn\'t for me, you assassins and mages would have died a long time ago. Just remember that you are alive because of me. And when a monster attacks, I am going to be the one who takes the major brunt of the attack." Ghostly Star said.

"That doesn\'t mean that we can\'t kill it without you. I mean, who is to say we need tanks at all?" He said, shaking his head.

"Not now, Lone. You two can fight later. Remember what we need to do. We are in a foreign setting. How come none of my friends told me about this?" Volcanic Python frowned as she looked around once more.

There was no change. It was still pink, completely filling the place. There was nothing to be seen.

"What kind of monster is even responsible for this pink mist? I mean, this is something I have never heard a monster be capable of." Ghostly Star wondered out loud.

"We are in the expedition. Most guilds didn\'t even get too far. No one knows about the monsters that exist here. No one knows what lays further ahead." Lone Assassin said.

"Stop talking. Both of you. We have to be quiet. I think I heard something." Volcanic Python whispered, but her whisper was as loud as a shout.

Both of them glared at her, but she had achieved her purpose. They shut their mouths just enough for Volcanic Python\'s head to dart to the side.

She could see a faint shadow that was slowly fading away. And in that shadow, she could see something that felt so human, and yet wasn\'t.

"What the hell is that thing? That is probably one of the monsters that is responsible for this." She said as she pointed in the direction she saw the shadow.

"I will take the lead. Stand behind me." Ghostly Star said as his giant shield, one that was weighing him down considerably, landed on the floor.

He slowly moved forward, the giant shield pushed forward inch by inch.

"Do we need to do this? I can just go in and-"

"The moment we split up, we might never meet. We split up with the rest of the army, and we still haven\'t met them yet. Who knows what is to happen if you go off separately?" Volcanic Python reminded him.

"Whatever. You guys are a bunch of babies." Lone Assassin shook his head.

But as he was saying this, the hair on his arm suddenly started tingling. He had a feeling that something was coming.

"Behind us!" He suddenly exclaimed as a small dagger appeared in his arms.

His entire body turned illusory before he completely disappeared.

Ghostly Star moved as fast as he could. He raised his shield and rushed forward, taking the place that Lone Assassin once took.


Ghostly Star felt a familiar force try to push him back. But this was not nearly enough tp push him back at all.

It was like a breeze trying to push a mountain. This felt like nothing to him.

In this close proximity though, he could see what monster was attacking him.

"That is weird? The monster we are facing. It is a wolf. One of those wolves that everyone can defeat." Ghostly Star frowned.

Before he could take a closer look at the wolf, he felt a sharp wind.

The wolf that was trying to push forward suddenly slumped down to the ground, and on top of the corpse, Lone Assassin appeared.

"To think it was just a stupid wolf. All this alertness for nothing." He shook his head as he walked past Ghostly Star.

"But it was quite quick. How did it get behind us so fast?" He frowned.

"Because that was not the shadow I saw. That was definitely not the monster that I saw. It cannot be responsible for the pink mist." Volcanic Python said, shaking her head.

"How can you be so sure? Maybe the wolves weren\'t using their full strength." Lone Assassin shrugged.

"Yeah, that seems like the obvious answer. They just let their leader die by not using their full strength." Volcanic Python rolled her eyes.

"And who is the one bickering now?" Ghostly Star sighed.

"We should just keep moving. Monsters will come. But we have faced a lot of them before, haven\'t we?" He said as he turned around.

"We should start moving forward. Wherever we can. At the least, if we encounter monsters, we can do something. The wolves can barely scratch us anyway." He said as he walked forward.

"Yeah. Let us ke-" Before Lone Assassin could complete what he said, he froze.

"What happened, Lone Assassin?" Ghostly Star turned around.

"What the hell? We killed the wolf!"



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