The World Serpent

Chapter 192 - 192-Dominions

Persia, Nyx, and Ego gazed upon the vast horizon with expressions of curiosity, suspicion, and amazement. The Giant Shadowy Figure that seemed to emerge from the horizon of the endless ocean within the most fringe of the continent seemed to be a shock for all of them. Well, that was something to expect when meeting with a massive colossus. 

Even Persia, who had seen the colossus before, was frozen in silence at its majesty. She was more like an ant when compared to the Archaeos in front of them. This hammered down Persia\'s remaining arrogance and pride. No matter how much she was powerful to the weak, compared to the strongest. She was but a mere ant that was waiting to get stepped on. 

It was kind of a depressing realization though there was nothing she could do about it. The only way for this road was to become stronger than before. It doesn\'t matter if the entire Continental Regions would have to sink for it. Persia wanted to speak first before an ancient voice echoed within the borderlands of the continent.

"Persia, the Great Ruler of Azathoth, the Demon Lord, and finally, the World Serpent. I have learned a lot about you and your endeavors within the Realm of Piksyon. Your Origins, and your Genesis. I know all of them, so may I ask. What brings the World Serpent here?" As the ancient voice echoed, Persia answered with her soothing voice.

"No need to call me the World Serpent. I am but a speck compared to behemoths like you." Persia was speaking of a simple fact. She was a hundred kilometers in length and a kilometer in length. But what about the Archaeos in front of her? The length was a lot bigger than the planet she created, and that fact spoke a lot of things. 

"For now, you are but a speck within the Realm of Piksyon. But you are young. In comparison to your growth, in a hundred years or a decade, your size might be enough to rival me. Though, that is if you survive in the incoming years." Neptune swiftly understood that Persia\'s pride took a hit.

Persia had gained a lot of attention. From the Outer Gods, Inner Gods, World Administrators, and many more foreigners. Her Origins were unknown. Even Neptune had a hard time. The only thing he discovered was her reincarnation, nothing more, nothing less. Either way, it was better for him not to delve deeper into the origins of the unknown. 

"I plan on surviving. I don\'t propose dying. As more danger intrudes on me, the stronger I become. That is what I, my Sisters, the Inquisitors, and the Great Forest would do." Persia smiled and replied upon the worlds of Neptune confidently. 

"I see that there is a reason why you became a Great Ruler at such a young age. So may I ask, what brings you here, Persia?" Neptune asked once again with his ancient voice. Persia and Neptune were talking to each other from afar away. Due to the difference in size, they needed distance to help them see each other without any problems. 

"Why we stand here is simple, Mr. Archaeos."

"As you said, there are many intruders from the outside of the Great Forest and the Realm of Piksyon, Whether it be the Outer Gods, Inner Gods, and World Administrators. What I want from the Archaeos Race is an alliance. I recognize my insignificant strength would be unhelpful when fighting against the foreigners, but I still hope that the Archaeos would accept the proposal of an alliance." 

Persia explained the reasoning why she and her sisters appeared on the fringes of the continent. It was kind of obvious that they were planning to meet the Archaeos Race. Even the alliance was something a child could easily guess. Well, an Alliance between Persia and the Archaeos Race would be extremely useful. She would also have powerful backing.

"Hmm... Alliance... An Alliance implies that two sides are equal. I believe that the imbalance between our Alliance can create further discord. So, why don\'t we change the methods of handling the problem? I recommend a partnership between the Archaeos Race and Persia herself. As I said before, An Alliance implies two forces with more or less equal sides."

"The Archaeos Race only sees Persia as an equal."

Neptune said with his ancient voice. It appears that the Archaeos Race only wanted Persia to be their partner. Nothing more, nothing less. Persia, hearing the words of Neptune, thought about it and turned her gaze towards Nyx and Ego. The two sisters nodded towards her as Persia replied with her calm voice. 

"I don\'t disagree with this partnership. Though, does Mr. Archaeos want to use a contract for the terms in agreement?" Persia questioned with a smile as Neptune couldn\'t help but chuckle. The infamous contract, he had heard that it would bend reality in its grasp. It was a powerful contract that would probably be dangerous and very safe at the same time. 

"Then, let us use this contract of yours. I am quite curious about its abilities as I have heard and seen a lot of things during my entire lifespan. I have visited worlds, destroyed some of them, and met numerous powerful creatures." Even though Neptune had known a lot of information about it, he still wanted to have a first-hand experience. 

"Oi, oi, Neptune... Why are you having fun alone, leaving me in the depths of this ocean?" An Ancient Seductive Voice echoed as Persia furrowed her eyebrows upon hearing it. She felt that the newly arrived bastard would be extremely problematic for herself and others around her. She hoped that she would be wrong, but Persia was rarely wrong in terms of instincts.

"Gaea, what are you trying to do? Didn\'t I say to not bother me when talking to her?" Neptune said in a serious and cold manner. What followed after him was a simple chuckle from Gaea. Persia, Nyx, and Ego felt bad news upon hearing that kind of chuckle from a woman. 

"Dear Neptune, why are you cold with me after meeting that girl... Are you cheating on me?" A simple question echoed, though Persia herself felt chills upon hearing it. Neptune shook his head and answered with a monotone voice. "Stop messing with her Gaea, just because you are bored. That doesn\'t mean you can do anything you want to other people. You did know what happened to others thinking with that mindset, correct?"

"My, my... I\'m simply joking. No need to speak of such things."

Gaea had known the future of the Archaeos that threw their weight around. It never ended well for them, which was why the Archaeos Race practiced self-control. It was for the sake of themselves and those around them. Neptune sighed after hearing Gaea\'s answer and said with his ancient voice. "Continue, Persia..."

Persia was frozen and quickly got out of her tranced. She nodded towards Neptune and activated her Contract. An Illuminating Light emerged as a piece of paper that signified the Contract. Neptune looked at it with amazement, the power emanating from the Contract was pure power but the ability to manipulate power itself.

\'The Archaeos Race... Their Power seemed to be beyond what we understand. Offending them wouldn\'t be a good thing for now.\' Persia thought to herself as Nyx and Ego also had the same thoughts in mind. As the Contract fully activated, it started writing the terms and agreement. 

Neptune looked at the Contract intently from afar. He was standing as a Massive and Vast Shadowy Humanoid Figure within the horizon. After the Contract concluded its terms and agreement, it was finally time for the names of the contractee and contractor to get written on the contract.

"So this is the Contract. It\'s a lot better and stronger than I originally had thought. It is more like a business wishing tool that needs two parties to activate. I have seen wishing tools before, but I never saw something like this. Are there any limits of what it can do?" Neptune questioned as his curiosity took over him.

Persia thought about it for a while, and she then shook her head and replied with a calm voice. "I don\'t think that I have tested the limits of the Contract. It takes a lot of energy from both parties. Sometimes, the other one wouldn\'t be able to provide the energy, so the remaining party would have to use their own energy to provide a balance. I mostly don\'t test the limit since it might get dangerous."

Persia then remembered the time when she tested the invisibility skill. She almost disappeared from the Realm of Piksyon from the eyes of her subordinates and outsiders. It might even have started the war as it felt as if a part of an ocean disappeared, which created vast waves affecting everything. 

"I see... Well, then. Since it needs the name of both parties. I shall introduce myself. My name is Neptune, the Archaeos of the Ocean. I hope to have a good relationship with the Inquisition and its Master." Neptune then introduced himself, which was swiftly followed by Persia. 

"My name is Persia, the World Serpent. I also hope to have a long and lasting relationship with the Archaeos Race and its Master." After Persia had completed saying her words, the Contract shone with a bright powerful light that enveloped everything in the fringes of the western part of the continent. 

With that, the Contract between the Archaeos and the Inquisition got concluded.

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