Re: The Villainess Does It With Class

Chapter 195 - The Birds, And The Bees, And The Flowers, And The Trees

The dark aura that demons are emitting is proven to be suffocating to humans and causes them to go extremely weak and sometimes lose their minds. The heavier their aura gets, if they are not careful, they could drive the humans to their demise by inflicting fear. 

"Oh, come on, Haage. Aren\'t we on the same page? We share the same objective, no?" Asmoday drawled-- "If it\'s about the plan, then I should also hear it."

Haagenti\'s mood didn\'t change for the better. His frown deepened even more and it was evident in his face. Asmoday stared at the demon who was sporting a sour expression and started laughing.

"You shouldn\'t be here. Aren\'t you afraid that he will notice you?" Haagenti commented, feeling disgruntled from being laughed at.

He then glanced at the archdemons around the room and clicked his tongue. This guy even brought powerful subordinates with him and is even flaunting their prowess right now.. If this doesn\'t alarm the tower and causes them to take action, then he doesn\'t know anymore.

Asmoday\'s lips quirked, "Why would I? He\'s just a puny magician. Only the weak will get scared of a pretentious mortal," he retorted. His eyes then landed on him-- "Ah, like you and 71 others…"

Haagenti didn\'t find what he said flattering. It was surely an insult for him, the others, and to Solomon. Even though he\'s currently rebelling right now and had cut his ties off of them, he was still offended nonetheless.

"My brother who prided himself as a strong demon ended up wrapped in his palm. That just meant he\'s equally as useless as lesser demons, no?" Asmoday then let out a chilling chuckle.

"And yet he\'s a king of hell and one of the seven sins… What does that say about you?" Haagenti fired back, not minding whether he\'s striking a chord or not.

He was surely treading on dangerous waters but he also doesn\'t want to just sit there and accept his jibes.

The temperature inside the room suddenly got colder yet the demons present are sweating. Asmoday\'s aura grew and made his subordinates nervous. Even Regina was shrinking further into her seat, fear gripping her hard in her heart.

Haagenti noticed the change and smirked.

"Hard to swallow, isn\'t it?"

"You…" Asmoday was about to lash out when a voice echoed in his ears and he stopped moving. He then stared into the void for a brief moment while shivering, closing his eyes for effect. When he opened them again, he was sporting this intoxicated expression that can sink a thousand ships-- "Ahh… I will let this slide for now," said Asmoday, smiling languidly at him. "But I will not be lenient the next time. Know your place, Haagenti," he warned.

Haagenti clenched his teeth to stop himself from talking back. He might be of the same race as Asmoday but the two of them are vastly different in terms of power and upbringing. He knew he would never win on a fight against him, not even close, so he shut his mouth. 


Another day, another wasted opportunity to do something productive aside from reading books and drowning in tea. I swear, all I do is eat and sleep, I\'m not even lying. Sometimes I get too self-conscious when I hear news from the nobility that this person is doing this, that person is doing that, and then I will find myself walking around the mansion for no reason at all. Aside from being anxious, that is.

My father is busy as usual and it gets worse as days pass by. I can barely talk to him now and it\'s also the case with my brother. I have no idea what they had been doing for them to be so preoccupied that Kai and I even started eating alone sometimes. Kai seems to be taking his knight training seriously too and it is getting paid off! He\'s going to have his knighthood next month and I am pretty much excited for him. Albeit the fact that I\'m still lonely as hell because he\'s always in the palace. Everyone is in the palace, period.

I started talking to Uno due to this and I do think that we\'re friends now. Mhmm… It\'s to the point that he will take a sword for me. Which is pretty much given since the beginning because he\'s my bodyguard, but you already have the gist of it, come on. Cut me some slack.

Anyways, I decided to visit the in-house library again to make use of my free time, which is all the time. I even thought of studying etiquette again just to feel like I have something to do, you know. That I am a functioning citizen of this country. 

These past few days have always been just me doing things I don\'t normally do on a daily basis.

Just yesterday, I was practicing archery nonstop and even taught my maids. Just because. So far, I can proudly say that I can shoot moving targets accurately now. And who would have thought that I\'ll get an interest in embroidery too? Yes, because I was bored and had nothing to do, I decided to pick up a needle and sew. YES. Despite the fact that I have an extreme phobia against it.

"This doesn\'t explain anything to me at all…" I grumbled, closing the book in disappointment.

So yeah, here\'s me inside the library, looking for books that mention anything about magic. In case you didn\'t know, aside from those pretty mundane things I\'ve been doing lately, I have also been researching the weird stuff that happened to me. 

The gathering of birds has even disconcerted the people in the mansion, not just me anymore. Mari one time screamed out of fear when she entered my room and found me surrounded by a flock. I have no idea about that either because I was so deep in my slumber. 

So I woke up from her shrill scream and sat there groggily, still reeling from sleep, only to almost get a heart attack when I opened my eyes and saw my surroundings.

I forgot to close the windows last night and the birds took advantage of it. I\'m only glad that they didn\'t soil my place. You know, drop some bird waste here and there. Coz that\'s more traumatizing than waking up in a room full of birds. Imagine being covered in bird poop. No? Alright.

They don\'t attack me either, or anyone in the house so it\'s okay, except it\'s not. I\'m not okay with that. As long as I don\'t understand what\'s going on with me, I will never be okay with all of these. 

The birds just love to hang around me, chirp lovingly, and just generally treat me like I\'m some queen of birds, which is a big deal. Aside from the sheer confusion they cause me, it\'s actually rather uplifting. 

Maybe… I am transitioning into a fairy? A forest fairy? I mean, animals love me! And Janus says I am changing. Who knows, right?

Except for that damn magician who won\'t open his damn mouth.

And by the way, it\'s not just the birds and the bees, and the rabbits, and the trees. Kuro was also extra sweet to me now too, like very very extra. He won\'t leave my side at all!

So my earlier notion that I am the new Forest Fairy is getting stronger. Heck, I wouldn\'t be surprised if I will grow some fairy wings one of these days. I mean, I also notice I am getting prettier every day and stuff… Ahem.

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